VM Computers Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 order yourself computer parts from a satellite orbiting around your Minecraft world to build a computer that actually works!
(Warning: This mod can screw with your VirtualBox settings. If VirtualBox doesn’t start normally, delete your configuration folder and try to start it again.)

vm computers mod for minecraft logo

How to use:

How to order computer parts:

1. Craft yourself an ordering tablet.

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2. Wait until a satellite is over you. It orbits the Minecraft world 5 times a day, so you should be able to catch it pretty quickly.

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(It says “Satellite found! Connect to ‘store’ using ENTER”)

3. From here on, it’s pretty easy. The menus are plastered with guides and you should be able to order yourself some items pretty quickly.

How to create a virtual hard drive:

  • 1. Get a hard drive.
  • 2. Right-click, it doesn’t matter if it’s already assigned to a file or not.
  • 3. Use the menu.

How to import an ISO:

Put it into [minecraft directory]/vm_computers/isos and it will be automatically updated in-game.

How to build a computer:

1. Place down a case.

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2. Right-click it.

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3. Open the case.

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From here on out, it’s basic. Greyed out button means that you don’t own that item.

How to use a computer:

Start it by clicking on the pc case and clicking on “Turn on”. Then focus your input to the VM by clicking a screen. Warning: Key combinations are still processed by the host, e.g. Alt+F4 still closes the game.

How to pick up placed stuff:

Sneak + right click on the thing.


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Fabric Modloader

Fabric API

How to install:

  • 1. Put the mod into your mods folder.
  • 2. Install VirtualBox (You need a version that starts with “6.1”): https://www.virtualbox.org/
  • 3. Done! The mod (or even VirtualBox) might not work if you don’t restart your computer after installing VirtualBox.

VM Computers Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.15.2

Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Fabric version:  Download from Server 2

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