7 Days To Die (Mine) Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) – Guns, New Zombie Type
7 Days To Die (Mine) Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) is based off of the zombie survival horror game 7 Days to die. This Minecraft mod adds 7 days to die in Minecraft! In this Minecraft mod you must survive a zombie apocalypse & virus outbreak and survival in Minecraft is a lot harder. In this mod you must survive by looting stores and finding food and weapons and must defend your base and keep zombies and other mobs out of your house with epic spike traps, base defense blocks, shot guns, snipers, pistols, landmines, explosives & more!
- Copper Ore
- Tin Ore
- Zinc Ore
- Platinum Ore
- Ruby Ore (No use)
- Sapphire Ore (No use)
- Amethyst ore (No use)
- Uranium Ore
- Iridium Ore
- Copper tools (HD texture)
- Copper Pickaxe (HD texture)
- Bronze Pickaxe (HD texture)
- Bronze Axe
- Bronze Saw (It is better than Axe)
- Bronze hoe
- Bronze shovel
- ChainSaw (HD texture)
- BushCutter [HD texture (no fully work)]
- Drill (HD texture)
- Drill with Iridium Head (HD texture)
- Guns and Armors
- Steel Bow
- Army Knife (HD texture) -damage 8
- Kitchen Knife (HD texture) -damage 7
- Bronze Sword (HD texture) -damage 8
- Copper Sword (HD texture) -damage 6
- Steel Sword (HD texture) -damage 8
- BlowGun (HD texture)(ammo is flint)
- CrossBow (HD texture)(ammo is crossbow bolt)
- Shotgun (HD texture)(ammo is Shotgun Ammo)
- Bronze Armor
- Office Armor
- Marble Cobblestone
- Marble (HD texture)
- Marble Bricks (HD texture)
- Basalt Cobblestone
- Basalt (HD texture)
- Basalt Bricks (HD texture)
- Maple Log (HD texture)
- Maple Planks (HD texture)(temporarily called “Block”)
- Half Grass Block
- Computer Win7 (HD texture)
- Computer WinXP (HD texture)
- Computer Win98 (HD texture)
- Computer Linux (HD texture)
- Computer MacOSx (HD texture)
- Rusty Metal (HD texture)
- Concrete (HD texture)
- Nuclear Sand (HD texture)
- Reinforced Concrete (HD texture)
- String Carpet (HD texture)
- Iron Spikes (HD texture + if mob damaged from it spikes change texture on blooded spikes)
- Ores Table [WIP] (Create flash) BUG: do not right mouse button click. If you are clicked the game crashed)
- Better Crafting Table [WIP]
- LandMine (Create bigger explosion us TNT)
- Mining Machine (Mine blocks 15 block underground. Big number on your own risk!)
- Blueberry bush (drop blueberry)
- Wild Pig – he have brown skin and attacked on player
- Miner Villager – in next update you can trade with him ores
- Music Villager – in next update you can with him play music
- Fish – small fish in ocean she drop raw fish
- Pike – big fish in rivers she drop raw fish
- Blooded Zombie – He has blooded zombie skin.He does not burn on sunlight.He has bronze axe.
- Blueberry – BUG: In game is called Bleberry
- Coca-Cola (HD texture)
- Hamburger (HD texture)
- Milka (HD texture)
- Nutella (HD texture)
- Sham (HD texture)(ham in can from 7 days to die)
- Copper Ingot
- Tin Ingot
- Liquid Copper
- Liquid Tin
- Bronze Ingot
- Zinc Ingot
- Liquid Zinc
- Brass Ingot
- Raw steel
- Steel
- Chain
- Drilling Head
- Platinum
- Crude Uranium
- Iridium
- Ruby
- Sapphire-
- Amethyst
- Iron Tube
- Iridium Arrow
- CrossBow Bolt
- Shotgun Ammo
- Shutgun Stock
- Shotgun barrel
Generated Structures
- House (In birch forest)
- Prefab (In jungle)
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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7 Days To Die (Mine) Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.12.2
For Minecraft 1.16.5
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