Aberrant Caverns Map (1.21.5, 1.20.1) is a survival map created by Flamingler. Inspired by ARK: Aberration, Aberrant Depths offers a unique Minecraft survival challenge set in a vast underground world beneath a frozen surface. Your journey begins in the massive cave system, where traditional mining, crafting, and building are completely reimagined. Resources like ores are scarce and require unconventional methods to obtain, adding an extra layer of challenge. As you descend from the upper caverns into the deep, dark tunnels, you’ll face new survival mechanics that push your adaptability to the limit. Will you conquer the depths, or will the Aberration consume you?



  • Greenzone
    Trees, mushrooms, animals and really small amounts of iron, emerald and coal.
    This area is overallvery peacefull and green.
  • Bluezone
    Trees, mushrooms, lots of water, a few animals and more minerals including, gold and redstone.
    This area is harder than the greenzone and is covered in bluedust with pockets of grass.
  • Redzone
    Only mushrooms, water, dangerous mobs and more minerals including, Obsidian and Diamonds.
    The most dangerous zone by far, but its the only place to find diamonds, slimeballs and large quantitys of obsidian.
    At the deepest part of this cave can be found an End Portal.
  • The Surface
    A frozen wasteland, filled with frozen trees, little bits of obsidian and lapis ore!
    This area is full of ice and dangerous mobs that come out at night.
    You can find small bits of obsidian here, in your early game.

How to install:

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