AdminFun Plugin (1.8.9) is a playful plugin designed to add a bit of humor to your Minecraft server. It provides fun commands that allow administrators to interact with players in light-hearted ways, such as trolling or pranking them. With commands to launch, fake-ban, or mess with players, AdminFun is perfect for those looking to spice up their server experience with some entertaining tricks. It’s easy to configure and ideal for servers that want to bring extra laughs and surprises to their players.


  • Fun trolling commands for admins.
  • Easy configuration and lightweight.
  • Adds humor and surprises to gameplay.



  • announce <message> | Broadcast a message.
  • bgod <message> | Broadcast a message as god.
  • console <message> | Broadcast a message as console.
  • dropparty <startTime> [silent] | Host a drop party at your location.
  • enchant | Get a god kit.
  • explode <target> | Explode the target player.
  • fakejoin [name] | Pretend you or a user joins the game.
  • fakeop <target> | Pretend to op a user.
  • fakequit [name] | Pretend you or a user left the game.
  • firework <target> | Turn a player into a firework.
  • freeze <target> | Freeze a player.
  • invlock <target> | Lock a player’s inventory.
  • invsee <target> | Look into another player’s inventory.
  • playerchat <target> <message> | Force a user to say something.
  • randomtp <target> | Teleport a user to a random location.
  • reload | Reload the AdminFun configuration.
  • rocket <target> | Turn a user into a rocket.
  • show | Create a firework show.
  • slap <target> | Slap a player.
  • spamcast <message> | Spam a message.
  • tell <identity> <message> | Tell all players a message.
  • xpparty <startTime> [silent] | Host an XP party at your location.
  • zap <target> | Zap a player.
  • help [command/number] | View the help page.
  • sound <target> <sound> Play a sound to the target player.

How to install:

AdminFun Plugin (1.8.9) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.8 to Minecraft 1.10.2

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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