Advance Respawn Plugin (1.12.2, 1.8.9) is a versatile plugin for Minecraft servers that enhances the respawn mechanics. It provides server administrators with advanced customization options to control player respawn locations and conditions, improving the overall gameplay experience by making respawns more strategic and tailored to server needs. Advance Respawn is an excellent plugin for Minecraft servers looking to enhance and customize their respawn mechanics. With its robust features, including custom respawn points, delays, and effects, it significantly improves the gameplay experience by making respawns more strategic and tailored to server preferences. The plugin’s ease of use, performance optimization, and compatibility make it a valuable addition to any server.


  • Custom Respawn Points: Allows setting specific respawn points for players, including per-world respawn locations, offering greater control over where players reappear after death.
  • Random Respawn Locations: Supports random respawn points within defined areas, adding an element of unpredictability and challenge for players.
  • Cooldowns and Delays: Configurable respawn cooldowns and delays to manage how quickly players can return to the game after dying, preventing instant respawns and promoting careful play.
  • First Join Respawn: Custom respawn settings for new players joining the server for the first time, ensuring they start in designated areas.
  • Respawn Effects: Adds effects like invincibility for a short duration upon respawn to prevent spawn camping and give players a chance to reorient themselves.
  • Death Messages: Customizable death messages to inform players about their respawn status and location, enhancing communication and clarity.
  • Compatibility: Works seamlessly with other plugins, ensuring it can be integrated into existing server setups without conflicts.


How to install:

Advance Respawn Plugin (1.12.2, 1.8.9) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.7 to Minecraft 1.14.4

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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