Advanced Genetics Mod 1.7.10 is a mod which allows you to get the special abilities of mobs and to combine them to yourself. So it is possible to explode!


All the genes and how you can get them are listed below:

  • Chicken: No-Fall-Gen: you get no fall damage
  • Cow: Infinite Milk: every entity can now produce milk
  • Ocelot: Speed: you can walk much faster
  • Sheep: Wooly: every entity is now shearable
  • Sheep: Eat Grass: rightclick on a grass to eat the block
  • Horse: Jump: let you jump heigher
  • Squid: Water breather: now you can breath under water
  • Bat : Fly: you can fly!
  • Mooshroom: Produce stew: same as ‘Milk Producer’ only with mushroom-stew
  • Enderman: Teleport: you can teleport yourself
  • Enderman: Save your inventory: puts all your items your inventory when you dies
  • Zombie Pigman: Swim in lava: you don’t get damage from lava anymore!
  • Blaze: Shoot fireballs: fight like a blaze
  • Creeper: Explode yourself: creeper-style!
  • Ghast: Fireballexplode: fight like a ghast
  • Iron Golem: More life: adds more hearts
  • Witch: Throw potion : throw random potions
  • Wither: Withers hit: entity you hit before get a wither effect
  • Enderdragon: Ender health: needs a heal crystal to make yourself undamageable

Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod


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The first thing you need to start is the ‘Scraper’. It allows you to get ‘Skin scales’ from mobs.

When you got the ‘Skin scales’ you must put them into the ‘Analyser’.

The ‘Analyer’ return ‘Cells’ and ‘Organic Drop’. With the cells you should craft the ‘Basic DNA Dictionary’.
With this, you can craft all the other blocks you need.

The ‘Exctractor’:

You need this block to get the ‘Helix’ out of the ‘Cell’.

The ‘Decrypter’:

You need this block to decrypt your ‘Helix’.

The ‘Splitter’:

You need this block to choose the ‘Gene’ you want to.

The ‘Breeder’:

This block is important and make the whole progress expensive. Every gene must be combined with itself or the basic gene whatmeans that you need more than one ‘Gene’ to have the specialfeature of an mob.

The ‘Centrifuge’:

You need this block to spin your blood tests.

The ‘Combiner’:

In this block you can combine a completed gene to your DNA. Put the centrifuged Syringe in the right slot and your geneinto the left slot.But what to do when you want to remove a gene in your DNA.
Then you need the an unbreeded gene and put this into the ‘Transmutator’ with 2 ‘Organic Drop’:

To remove the gene you have to put the ‘Anti-Gene’ with the syringe into the ‘Remover’:

How to

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The ‘Syringe’ is crafting like this:

And the ‘Magnifier’ like this:

The ‘Heal Crystal’ (Is required for one gene):

The ‘Overclocker’:

How to install Advanced Genetics Mod 1.7.10

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge
  • Download the mod
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it
  • If one does not exist you can create one
  • Enjoy the mod

Download links for Advanced Genetics Mod 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.6.4

For Minecraft 1.7.2

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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