Adventure map.exe Map 1.14.4 for Minecraft
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June 17, 2020
Adventure map.exe is an adventure map which was FavoredGuitar62. You are an admin of the Minecraft adventure map “element”. Things didn’t work out the way you’ve wanted and now you are stranded in your own map. Can you access all the hidden places on the map to get back your admin status? After you’ve collected all of the four pieces of the command book that can help you to return to the control room, you realize there is another force at work trying to destroy the map. There are 5 hidden glitch levels. Complete them all to unlock the secret ending that involves a boss fight.
- Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!
- You should set Render Distance to 12 or upper.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps
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Adventure map.exe Map Download Links
For Minecraft 1.14.x
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