Alex’s Armoury Mod (1.19.2) is a vanilla+ themed weapon expansion mod meant to increase the amount of playstyles for the player to choose from. All with unique mechanics and abilities, this mod is meant to be the spiritual child of the alluded “Combat Update” that Minecraft hasnt recieved yet. Currently all melee weapons have recieved a fresh coat of paint.

How this mod works is when you re-enter your world with the mod installed, all the base game weapons will have abilities as well as tooltips provided on what they do. If you have any villagers near you, you can find a weaponsmith or a wandering trader (you’ll have to level up a new villager if your weaponsmiths skills are already maxed out). Then trade with them as you would until you recieve a weapon pattern. After you trade for the pattern you can right click on the pattern to show its recipe. You’ll have to decipher what Alex was sketching to craft the weapon. Then you’ll want to go ahead and craft yourself an armourers table. Once you have a pattern and the armourers table then you can try to craft the weapon provided. There are currently 14 new weapons you can get patterns for by trading. You’ll also want to craft some of the new materials included in the mod. These will be essential for crafting the new weapons once you have determined the weapon patterns recipe. Get your hands on some crimson fungus to craft a Bottle o’ Fury while your at it too. Brew that with some awkward potions and it will definitely up your PVE / PVP game as well.


  • Hammer has the mining ability of a wooden pickaxe. You can hold shift to mine a 3×3 area. If right-click to attact, deals area damage and knock the target into the air.
  • Claymore has wide sweep ability, deals damage to all targets within a 2.5 block radius.
  • Glaive deals bonus damage when fighting Arthropods. It can also be used to quickly destroy cobwebs, up to 9 at a time.
  • Sickle has a chance to steal hearts from illagers, undead, and arthropods when attacking them. And it is a good helper for weeding.
  • Double Axe has a chance to give the player Rampage for 10 seconds when killing a target. You can right click vines, bamboo, and sugarcane with it to slice them apart.
  • And much more…


Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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Alex’s Armoury Mod (1.19.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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