Animania Farm Mod (1.12.2) adds farm animals to your game.



  • There are five breeds of cows in Animania. Each has slightly different drops, resources, and attributes. For instance, a Holstein is known for the quality of its Milk, while an Angus is more of a Beef cow.
  • Angus (beef), found in Jungles, Mesas and Swamps
  • Hereford (beef), found in Mountain Biomes
  • Texas Longhorn (beef), found in Savannas
  • Holstein (milk), found in Forests
  • Friesian (milk) replaces default vanilla cow, found in Plains
  • Jersey (milk), found in Wastelands and Swamps
  • Mooshrooms, found on Mushroom Islands
  • Cow behaviors:
    • Eat grass, flowers, and some vegetables (protect your farms!)
    • Eat Wheat from troughs
    • Drink water from fresh lakes, rivers, playermade ponds, water troughs, or water buckets
    • Bulls will attack if provoked
    • Cows only breed when they are fed and watered
    • Cows only give milk when happy and after having giving birth and will become thirsty again after providing milk
    • Bulls and calves generally try to stay near their mother
    • Some adult cows drop prime meats
    • Cows can spawn as families in the world
    • In the 1.11 and 1.12 versions, Milk is a liquid, and is compatible with universal buckets
    • Favorite food: Wheat, Yellow and Red Flowers
    • You can find more Information in the Ingame Manual


  • There are six breeds of Pigs in Animania. Each has slightly different drops, resources, and attributes. All pigs drop meats, some are better with Bacon, some with Roasts.
  • Duroc, found in Jungles
  • Hampshire, found on Mountains
  • Large Black, found in Swamps and Dense Forests
  • Large White, found in Forests
  • Old Spot, found in Forests
  • Yorkshire (replaces vanilla), found in Plains
  • Pig behaviors:
    • They love to roll in the mud and swim! Be sure to make them a mud pit and a little pond to dive into!
    • All Animania adult pigs can be ridden. Just make sure they have been fed and watered, and right click with a Carrot and Stick. The ‘speed boost’ feature can be enabled by using your stick again while riding.
    • Take your adult pigs to a Forest and they can help you find truffles when they have a lead and you’re wandering around in a forest. The should also be hungry. Be patient as this may take some time. Truffles can be used to make very good foods.
    • Pigs often spawn as families in the world
    • Hogs and piglets generally try to stay near the mother Sow
    • Favorite food: Slop, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes. Pigs can also graze tall grass.


  • There are 5 Chicken Breeds in Animania. Each has slightly different drops and resources. For instance, the Orpington drops the best meat, while the Wyandotte lays brown eggs, and Leghorns lay eggs the fastest.
  • Leghorn (replaces vanilla, found in Plains)
  • Orpington, found in Jungles and Swamps
  • Plymouth Rock, found on Mountains
  • Rhode Island Red, found in Forests
  • Wyandotte, found in Forests
  • Chicken Behaviors:
    • Chickens love to peck the ground, looking for extra food
    • Roosters crow in the early morning, right after dawn
    • Chickens can drink water from troughs, freshwater lakes and rivers, or from water buckets. Unlike pigs and cows, they do not consume a full water block or bucket.
    • Chickens eat seeds. This can either be hand fed to them, or scattered on the ground by right clicking with seeds in your hand.
    • Chickens lay eggs in nests. You can either gather these eggs or leave them for the Rooster to help turn into baby chicks.
    • Chickens will randomly drop feathers (timing can be adjusted in the config)
    • Chickens will eat frogs and toads if found in the wild
    • Chickens often spawn as families in the world
    • Favorite Food: Seeds (in 1.11 and 1.12, all vanilla seed types will work.
    • Note: You can scatter seeds (just Right Click while holding seeds) on the ground for Chickens to eat


  • There are currently 6 different colors of Draft Horses. Draft Horses are intended to be work horses, and do not replace vanilla horses. Draft Horses do not have any special drops.
  • Draft Horses found in: Plains, Savanna and Mesas
  • Draft Horse behaviors:
    • Eat grass, flowers, apples, and some vegetables (protect your farms!)
    • Eat Wheat from troughs (can be adjusted in the config)
    • Drink water from fresh lakes, rivers, man-made ponds, water troughs, or water buckets
    • All Animania adult Draft Horses can be ridden. Just make sure they have been fed and watered, and have a saddle equipped. The ‘speed boost’ feature can be enabled by using your Riding
    • Crop again while riding.
    • Horses only breed when they are fed and watered
    • Stallions and foals generally try to stay near the mother horse (mare)
    • Horses often spawn as families in the world
    • Horses can also pull carts (more on carts below)
    • Favorite food: Wheat, Apples, Carrots


  • Sheep are found in:
    • Dorper (Savanna, Plains)
    • Dorset (Hills, Plains)
    • Friesian (Plains)
    • Merino (Plains, Dry biomes)
    • Jacob (Forests)
    • Suffolk (Mesa and Savanna)
  • Sheep behaviors:
    • Can graze for wheat, grass, flowers, and some crops
    • Eat Wheat from troughs (can be adjusted in the config)
    • Drink water from fresh lakes, rivers, man-made ponds, water troughs, or water buckets
    • Adult sheep can be sheared for Wool. Some Animania sheep drop unique Wools.
    • With WAILA or TOP installed, you will be able to discover if the Sheep is ready to shear, when the wool will grow back, if the Sheep is pregnant or ready to milk.
    • Rams may occasionally spar with each other for a short period of time
    • Ewes can provide milk, which can be used to make Sheep Cheese
    • Sheep only breed when they are fed and watered
    • Rams and lambs generally try to stay near the mother (Ewe)
    • Sheep often spawn as families in the world
    • Some sheep drop prime meats (mutton)
    • Favorite food: Wheat, Carrots, Beets


  • Goats are found in:
    • Alpine (Mountains, Hills)
    • Angora (Plains)
    • Fainting (Plains)
    • Kiko (Mountains, Hills)
    • Kinder (Savanna, Mesa)
    • Nigerian Dwarf (Desert)
    • Pygmy (Savanna, Mesa)
  • Goat behaviors:
    • Can graze for wheat, grass, flowers, and some crops
    • Eat Wheat from troughs (can be adjusted in the config)
    • Drink water from fresh lakes, rivers, man-made ponds, water troughs, or water buckets
    • The Angora goat can be sheared for Wool (like Sheep).
    • With WAILA or TOP installed, you will be able to discover if the Goat is ready to shear, when the wool will grow back, if the Doe is pregnant or ready to milk.
    • Fainting Goats will indeed faint if you sprint directly into them. Don’t worry, it does’t hurt them.
    • Bucks may occasionally spar with each other for a short period of time
    • Does can provide milk, which can be used to make Goat Cheese
    • Goats only breed when they are happy
    • Bucks and kids generally try to stay near the mother horse (Doe)
    • Goats often spawn as families in the world
    • All goats drop meat (Chevon). Some goats drop Prime Chevon.
    • Favorite food: Wheat, Carrots, Beets, Apples, String, Sticks


  • How to Use:
  • Place your Cart by right clicking
  • Right click with an empty hand to grab and pull the Cart by yourself
  • To attach to a horse:
  • Once you are pulling a Cart, mount a horse to attach the Cart to the horse
  • Or lead the horse to a Cart (with a lead) on click on the Cart
  • Or right click on the Cart while riding a Horse
  • To place an animal in the Cart, simply lead the animal to the back of the Cart (with a lead), and they will hop in
  • To remove an animal from the Cart, attach a lead to it
  • To place a Chest in the Cart, right click while holding a Chest
  • To open the Chest, sneak + right click on the Chest
  • To ride in the Cart yourself, sneak + right click on an empty Cart
  • Pigs can also pull carts (but they are a bit less controlled)
  • Horses ‘should’ not wander away when attached to a cart
  • To convert a ‘chested’ Cart back to an empty cart, just break the cart and the chest (and any items) will drop
  • To use the plough, right click it to open its inventory. You can place seeds in there that will be placed when the plough is pulled by a horse or cow.



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Animania Base Mod

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