Aqua Acrobatics Mod (1.12.2) is a direct port of the new movement features added in modern versions of Minecraft, most notably the swimming mechanic.


  • Swimming is triggered when the player starts to sprint while underwater. Both the increase in speed as well as the fancy animation make traversing bodies of water a lot more fun.
  • The player height when Sneaking has been decreased to 1.5 instead of 1.65 blocks. Through this change it has been made possible to sneak through smaller gaps.
  • The Player Hitbox is forced to stay in a smaller state if there isn’t enough space available. This means you can no longer stop sneaking by letting go of the key if you are in a tight area. But it also enables you to e. g. crawl through one block high holes.
  • Changes to the Eye Level are really smooth. This is achieved by backporting the fix for MC-48401.
  • Aqua Acrobatics also backports the new Water Colors And Fog from the Update Aquatic. The colors can be customized in the config. Support for Biomes O’ Plenty is included out of the box.
  • Additionally there are also some tweaks unrelated to swimming included. Some of them being: the air meter no longer refills immediately after reaching the surface, easier elytra takeoff like in Minecraft 1.15 and onwards, sideways sprinting, and sprinting not being activated by double tapping. Some tweaks are disabled by default.
  • Furthermore Aqua Acrobatics has great compatibility with a lot of well known mods such as Mo’ Bends by Iwoplaza, Morph by iChun, More Player Models by Noppes, Wings by Pau101, and ArtemisLib by Camellias.


The player swimming towards the camera

Fancy swimming animation from behind

When sneaking the player perfectly fits into a 1.5 blocks gap

Player pose will adjust depending on the space available

The player sneaking through a tight space

The player is forced into sneaking pose by an extending piston

Push Player Out Of Blocks “Standard” option

Push Player Out Of Blocks “Approximate” option

Push Player Out Of Blocks “Exact” option


Minecraft Forge

MixinBootstrap Mod

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For Minecraft 1.12.2

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