About A’therys Ascended Resource Pack

A’therys Ascended Resource Pack is based on the works of Monsterfisher author of the Conquest resource pack. The inspiration behind the pack comes from games such as World of Warcraft and Diablo 3.


A’therys Ascended Resource Pack is one of the most popular minecraft resource packs and it is a HD pack that is based on JohnSmith and Ovo’s rustic texture pack as well as some community created materials to Ovo’s rustic.

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A’therys Ascended Resource Pack Change logs

  • Fixed the new brick to look more like a brick wall.
  • Fixed the issue with the new language file color coding where names were green on the death message.
  • Massive update.
  • New color coded language file (Still not fully finished).
  • New armor textures.
  • New tools and weapon textures.

A’therys Ascended Resource Pack Screenshots






How to Install A’therys Ascended Resource Pack for Minecraft

In order to use HD texture packs properly (32× and higher) you will need to either patch your Minecraft using MCPatcher or using OptiFine. Optifine is preferred as it includes all of the features of MCPatcher, and greatly increases game speeds and graphics settings. MCPatcher tends to be updated on the same day as Minecraft updates, so use it instead if you are in a hurry.

  • 1.Download either MCPatcher or OptiFine. If you downloaded OptiFine, skip to step 3.
  • 2.For MCPatcher: Run the mcpatcher-X.X.X.jar file and proceed to click “patch.”
  • 3.For Optifine: Install OptiFine like any other mod – By opening minecraft.jar, and placing the .class files from Optifine’s zip file within.

Download links for A’therys Ascended Resource Pack for Minecraft

For 1.6


For 1.8, 1.7



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