Atlantis Data Pack (1.21.4, 1.20.1) – Fire Beneath Water
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January 3, 2025
Atlantis Data Pack (1.21.4, 1.20.1) immerses you in a challenging aquatic environment, where you’ll navigate submerged ruins, adapt to life beneath the waves, and uncover the fiery secrets hidden below. Perfect for players seeking an intense and immersive underwater adventure! Enjoy playing this data pack!
⚙️ Start Lobby
You can change some game settings by pulling the lever in the Start Lobby
- Default: The Start Room only contains cactus, bed, chest, and grass block
Lobby Options Effect after enabling Start Saplings Add four additional saplings to the Default supplies (classic start of the original map) Start Trees Place an additional oak tree directly above the Start Room Midnight Mode Stop the days and nights pass, and Freeze the game time at midnight with full moon -
- Barrels can be fished up as treasures
- Barrels contain gold and iron nuggets. Barrels in 1.21.2+ use Bundle to store gold and iron nuggets.
- Some biomes have additional supplies in barrels, as shown below
Biomes Barrel contents Flower Forest Common flowers Jungle biomes Jungle saplings and cocoa beans Taiga biomes Sweet berries, spruce saplings and rabbit hide Ocean biomes Kelp, prismarine crystals, prismarine shard and Heart of the Sea -
⚙️ Others
- Customized Advancements System (continuously updated)
- After obtaining a Sponge for the first time will unlock the repice of Sponge. You can use prismarine crystals, prismarine shard, nautilus shells with sponges to craft more
- The Pale Oak planted by the player has a chance to have the Creaking Heart (Only in 1.21.4+)
- Piglins can bartering all Smithing Template (including the Trim and the Upgrade)
- Sniffers can dig up all Pottery Sherd
- Players drop Player heads when they die
⛰ World Generation
- Overworld sea level is Y281, water surface is Y280, world height limit is Y320 unchanged
- Overworld mountains reach up to Y312
- Nether lava sea level is Y40
- Icebergs will be generated in most cold biomes
New Structure : Wandering Trader Room
- Generate nearby the Start Room about 64 blocks.
- Wandering traders spawn on the double smooth stone slab in the center of the room every 3 days
New Structure : Animal Domes
Glass domes keep hope alive, let animals survive the flood
- Scattered around the world, with different appearances depending on the biome
Vanilla Structures
Vanilla Structures Changes Woodland Mansion No longer generated Igloo No longer generated Desert Pyramid No longer generated Jungle Pyramid No longer generated Desert Well No longer generated Ocean Monument Can generate in all Ocean biomes Buried treasure Can generate in all Ocean biomes Pillager Outpost No longer contain Iron Golems Swamp Hut Fixed generate height, can generate in Swamp and Mangrove Swamp Village No longer contain with Villagers, Iron Golems, and some flora and fauna Plains Village Can generate in Forest Desert Village Can generate in Warm Ocean Snowy Village Can generate in Snowy Taiga and Grove Taiga Village Can generate in Old Growth Taiga biomes Savanna Village Can generate in Badlands biomes - Modified the count of witches spawn within the hut structure range
- To locate the nearest Swamp Hut, use the command
/locate structure #minecraft:swamp_hut
or/locate structure atlantis:swamp_hut
- To locate the nearest Animal Domes, use the command
/locate structure #atlantis:animal_dome
- To locate a specific type of Animal Domes, use the command
/locate structure atlantis:animal_dome_[type]
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Data Packs
- Don’t miss out on today’s latest Minecraft Data Packs!
Atlantis Data Pack (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft 1.20 to Minecraft 1.21.4
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