Aurora Client Mod (1.20.4) – Enhancing Your Gameplay
Aurora Client Mod (1.20.4) is a very useful Minecraft mod designed for Hypixel. It contains never-seen-before features for free. Enhance your gameplay like never before.
- AutoBuyArrows: Automatically buys items required to buy arrows from jax
- Auto Close Dungeon Chests: Automatically closes secrets in dungeons
- Auto Flints: Automatically buys flint arrows at the Ophelia NPC
- Auto Heal: Automatically uses items to heal you
- Auto Hyperion: AutoClicks when right click and a Wither Blade are held
- Auto Maze: Automatically completes the maze puzzle
- Auto Start DungeonL Automatically clicks in Mort to ready up
- Auto Terminals: Automatically completes Terminals
- Crystal Aura: Automatically picks up crystal
- Crystal Placer: Automatically teleports you back to the crystal and places it
- GhostBlocks: GhostBlock keybind
- Inventory Walk: Allows you to move and rotate in inventories
- Secrets Unblock: Removes all bedrock
- Secret Aura: Automatically gets secrets near you
- No Downtime: Automatically starts a dungeon run
- Terminator AutoClicker: Automatically clicks shortbows while right click is held
- Terminal Announcer: Announces to your party what terminal you’re in
- Terminal Aura: Automatically opens terminals
- Wither Cloak Aura: Automatically uses Wither Cloak Sword before you touch the lava
- Wither Door Remover: Removes Wither Doors so you can ender pearl through them
- Wither ESP: Renders an ESP on all Wither Bosses in F7
- Auto Composter: Fully customizable auto composter
- Grass ESP: Renders ESP on grass making it easier to unlock garden plots
- Kuudra Beamer: Automatically uses a Terminator and spams shift
- F11 Macro: Basic F11 macro that you can start on a keybind
- Mob Macro: Automatically walks and kills mobs
- Gemstone ESP: Renders an ESP on any gemstone you choose
- Structure Scanner: Helps you find structures such as Throne, Spiral, All nucleus locations and Dragon’s Lair
- Auto Clicker: Nice and very customizable AutoClicker
- Etherwarp Keybind: Allows you to etherwarp while not holding AOTV and not shifting
- Fast Join: Allows you to quickly join SkyBlock
- Auto Maddox: Automatically claims and starts Slayer Quests
- Auto Sell Bazaar: Automatically sells items using bazaar (you can also use a keybind)
- Aura: Automatically has E-Sex with People
- Auto Summons: Automatically spawns summons when your boss is spawned
- Auto Wardrobe: Allows you to quickly change your wardrobe slot
- Disabler: Disables some Watchdog checks
- Block Clicks: Blocks any clicks that could get you sent to Limbo
- Keep Focus: Allows you to alt tab
- Melody Throttle: Notifies your party when you’re getting throttled
- Minion Aura: Automatically opens and collects minions near you
- Rat ESP: Makes everyone either a rat or a crab
- Velocity: Makes you take less knockback
- AOTV Aura: Allows you to AOTV with anything
- Auto Rogue Sword: Uses rogue sword every 30 seconds
- Flight: Allows you to fly
- No Slow: Makes you not block your sword
- VClip: Allows you to clip down (patched)
- Buy Tip Helper: Automatically buys tips in the Rift
- Rift Parkour Helper: Helps you with the last mirrorverse parkour
- Ananas Aura: Ananas is in our hearts
- Hilary: bet you’re gonna get scared
- Discord Rich Presence: Displays your status
- Auto Swap on Blood Open: Automatically swaps your armor when you open blood
- No Dungeon Chest Open: Doesn’t open secrets in dungeons
- Auto Holy Ice: Automatically uses Holy Ice in vampire slayer bossfight
- Auto Melon: Automatically uses a healing melon when you’re low on hp
- Auto Tuba: Automatically uses Weird Tuba every 20 seconds
How to use:
- Press Right Ctrl to open GUI
How to install:
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Aurora Client Mod (1.20.4) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.20.4
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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