AuthMe Reloaded Plugin (1.21, 1.20.1) – Bukkit, Spigot, Paper
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August 7, 2024
AuthMe Reloaded Plugin (1.21, 1.20.1) is the most famous and used /login|/register plugin!
- E-Mail Recovery System!
- Playername spoof protection
- Countries Selection! (countries codes)
- AntiBot Features!
- Protection against “Logged in from another location” messages
- Two-factor (2FA) support!
- Login sessions
- Editable settings & messages
- MySQL and SQLITE support
- Supported hash algorithms: Available Hash Algorithms
- Supports tons of CMS! (Website integration)
- Custom MySQL tables/columns (useable for forums, other scripts)
- Database queries can be cached
- Compatible with NPC and CombatTag plugins
- Account restriction through IP and name
- Permissions group switching on un-logged-in
- Different permission group for Registered and unRegistered users
- Support for permissions onJoin with transient vault system
- Cache on file for all inventories and enchants for un-logged-in players
- Save Quit location to prevent loss of position
- Possible to use without a Permissions plugin
- Automatic backup system of all your user password data
- Default Language Style: en, de, br, cz, pl, fr, ru, hu, sk, es, zhtw, fi, zhcn, nl, and others! (feel free to send me new translations)
- Convert SQLite to an usefull authme.sql that you can import on a MySQL database!
- Import your database from Rakamak, xAuth, CrazyLogin, RoyalAuth, vAuth !
The following are the permission nodes that are currently supported by the latest dev builds.
- authme.admin.* – Give access to all admin commands.
- authme.admin.accounts – Administrator command to see all accounts associated with a user.
- authme.admin.antibotmessages – Permission to see Antibot messages.
- authme.admin.backup – Allows to use the backup command.
- authme.admin.changemail – Administrator command to set or change the email address of a user.
- authme.admin.changepassword – Administrator command to change the password of a user.
- authme.admin.converter – Administrator command to convert old or other data to AuthMe data.
- authme.admin.firstspawn – Administrator command to teleport to the first AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.forcelogin – Administrator command to force-login an existing user.
- authme.admin.getemail – Administrator command to get the email address of a user, if set.
- authme.admin.getip – Administrator command to get the last known IP of a user.
- authme.admin.lastlogin – Administrator command to see the last login date and time of a user.
- authme.admin.purge – Administrator command to purge old user data.
- authme.admin.purgebannedplayers – Administrator command to purge all data associated with banned players.
- authme.admin.purgelastpos – Administrator command to purge the last position of a user.
- authme.admin.purgeplayer – Administrator command to purge a given player.
- authme.admin.register – Administrator command to register a new user.
- authme.admin.reload – Administrator command to reload the plugin configuration.
- authme.admin.seeotheraccounts – Permission to see the other accounts of the players that log in.
- authme.admin.seerecent – Administrator command to see the last recently logged in players.
- authme.admin.setfirstspawn – Administrator command to set the first AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.setspawn – Administrator command to set the AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.spawn – Administrator command to teleport to the AuthMe spawn.
- authme.admin.switchantibot – Administrator command to toggle the AntiBot protection status.
- authme.admin.totpdisable – Administrator command to disable the two-factor auth of a user.
- authme.admin.totpviewstatus – Administrator command to see whether a player has enabled two-factor authentication.
- authme.admin.unregister – Administrator command to unregister an existing user.
- authme.admin.updatemessages – Permission to use the update messages command.
- authme.allowchatbeforelogin – Permission to send chat messages before being logged in.
- authme.allowmultipleaccounts – Permission to be able to register multiple accounts.
- authme.bypassantibot – Permission node to bypass AntiBot protection.
- authme.bypassbungeesend – Permission node to bypass BungeeCord server teleportation.
- authme.bypasscountrycheck – Permission to bypass the GeoIp country code check.
- authme.bypassforcesurvival – Permission for users to bypass force-survival mode.
- authme.bypasspurge – Permission to bypass the purging process.
- authme.debug.command – General permission to use the /authme debug command.
- – Permission to use the country lookup section.
- authme.debug.db – Permission to view data from the database.
- – Permission to view permission groups.
- authme.debug.limbo – Permission to use the limbo data viewer.
- authme.debug.mail – Permission to use the test email sender.
- authme.debug.mysqldef – Permission to change nullable status of MySQL columns.
- authme.debug.perm – Permission to use the permission checker.
- authme.debug.spawn – Permission to view spawn information.
- authme.debug.stats – Permission to use the stats section.
- authme.debug.valid – Permission to use sample validation.
- authme.player.* – Permission to use all player (non-admin) commands.
- authme.player.canbeforced – Permission for users a login can be forced to.
- authme.player.captcha – Command permission to use captcha.
- authme.player.changepassword – Command permission to change the password.
- – Grants all email permissions.
- – Command permission to add an email address.
- – Command permission to change the email address.
- – Command permission to recover an account using its email address.
- – Command permission to see the own email address.
- authme.player.login – Command permission to login.
- authme.player.logout – Command permission to logout.
- – Permission that enables on join quick commands checks for the player.
- authme.player.register – Command permission to register.
- – Permission to use the email verification codes feature.
- authme.player.seeownaccounts – Permission to use to see own other accounts.
- authme.player.totpadd – Permission to enable two-factor authentication.
- authme.player.totpremove – Permission to disable two-factor authentication.
- authme.player.unregister – Command permission to unregister.
- – When the server is full and someone with this permission joins the server, someone will be kicked.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
AuthMe Reloaded Plugin (1.21, 1.20.1) Download Links
For Minecraft Bukkit 1.12
For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.13.2 to Minecraft 1.17.1
For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.18.2 to Minecraft 1.21
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