Author: newhoaheo32
Have you ever tried building an enderman farm? If you have, then you would know how laggy they can get....
Minecraft has different compass types, and each one is useful for a different purpose. The regular compass...
Crafting tables are a very important part of the survival journey. Only a small number of items in the...
Frost walker is a very useful boot enchantment that allows you to walk over water. When you wear a boot...
There are plenty of mods that introduce a bunch of different consumables into the game. But most of these...
In Minecraft, you can press the move forward keybind to start walking forward, and you can use the sprint...
Snowballs in Minecraft fall into the list of projectiles and can be thrown by players. But the ability...
Naming a sheep “jeb_” using a nametag is an easter egg that has been in the game for a very long...
At a certain point of progression in your survival game, you will have obtained strong armor and weapons...
Aethersteel Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) introduces a new mineral to the game. The new mineral, Aethersteel,...
Doctor Who – Regeneration Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) gives players the ability to regenerate your health...
FokusAPI Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a library mod developed by the popular mod developer ScadeBlock. As...
In Minecraft, the available player movements are limited. You can move forward, backward, sideways, jump...
Tired of dying and losing your hard earned items? When you die in lava or somewhere far away from your...
In Minecraft, those with command access can use the /title command to display full screen title text...