Author: newhoaheo32
The Nether Update introduced a feature where lighting the top of a block of Soul Sand or Soul Soil will...
The music in Minecraft is an iconic part of the survival experience. In the vanilla game, after a music...
Cristel Lib Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a library mod that allows config creation for structures using code,...
In the vanilla game, zombies only drop a few items like rotten flesh, carrots, iron ingots and potatoes....
In Minecraft, if you have an efficient five diamond pickaxe and the haste beacon effect, you can mine...
In the vanilla game, hoes are the most unused weapon. This is because, for most players, hoes are of...
In the vanilla game, certain sword enhancements are mutually exclusive. This means these enchantments...
Minecraft adds shading onto the side faces of blocks to make the lighting appear more realistic even...
Tipsy Lib Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is a library dependency mod developed by the popular mod developer Yirmiri....
Suspicious blocks were introduced into the game in a recent update. They can be found in trail ruins,...
Guess The Block Minigame Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is a popular mini-game within the Minecraft community....
If you have ever come across a pillager outpost, you would have noticed the illager captain wearing a...
In the newer versions of the game, bamboo can be crafted into building blocks. Better Bamboo Wood Mod...
In Minecraft, the warden mini-boss has an anger level that determines how likely the warden is to attack...
Minecraft’s elytras have a glitch that allows players to fly infinitely. By flying up and down at certain...