Author: newhoaheo32
One of the greatest dangers of traversing through the end is the risk of accidentally falling into the...
If you have played Hypixel bedwars, you would know that fire balls are very powerful weapons that can...
With the help of the /weather command, you can change the weather in Minecraft to whatever you choose....
Ender pearls are very powerful items. In a scenario where you are being chased by an opponent, toucan...
Applying the infinity enchantment onto a bow will allow you to shoot an infinite number of arrows from...
Shulker boxes are an excellent storage solution. They allow you to carry thirty slots worth of items...
Prior to the 1.21 version of Minecraft, when a player defeats the illager captain, he will immediately...
Minecraft’s villager trading mechanic has a limit to the number of trades that you can perform. This...
If you have ever played on a large Minecraft server, you would know how often the in-game chat gets overfilled...
There are dozens of performance enhancement mods for the Fabric modloader. Each one makes some changes...
The process of cutting down a tree log by log is a time consuming process. And it also ends up leaving...
Do you want colorful fire in your game? If the answer is yes, Party Flames Mod (1.21.4, 1.21.1) is for...
In Minecraft, when the player catches on fire, a fire overlay will be displayed on the screen when the...
Have you ever felt like the enchantments in the vanilla game are simply not enough? If you want more...
Equipping an elytra allows players to glide across large distances with ease, while equipping a chestplate...