Author: newhoaheo32
If you do not want players applying the unbreaking enchantment onto elytras for whatever reason, No Unbreaking...
If you want the mending enchantment removed from your game for whatever reason, No Mending Mod (1.21.4,...
Every tool, weapon or armor piece in the game has their own durability. Running out of durability will...
Pale garden biomes were introduced into the game in a recent update. These biomes have a greyish lifeless...
Server admins have the option to whitelist certain players on their server. This is done so that only...
Mining sculk themed blocks can help you gain some XP. The sculk catalyst blocks, in specific, used to...
The worst part about dealing with creepers in Minecraft is that their explosions leave behind large holes...
Smithing Skeletons Mod (1.21.1, 1.21) introduces two new skeleton variants into the game – The...
A popular game called Stray allows you to roam freely around the world as a cat. The game has a dedicated...
Power Armor Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.6) introduces a fully functional power armor system into the game that...
Optifine Capes Reborn Mod (1.21.4, 1.21.1) allows you to make it so that only the Optifine cape will...
Replaceitem Maze World Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1), as understood from the name, turns your entire Minecraft...
Diamond Piglins Mod (1.21.1, 1.21) introduces a new piglin variant into the game. This new piglin, called...
In the vanilla game, it is difficult to know if the other player is a boy or a girl. This makes it difficult...
Carpet is a very popular mod that allows you to gain information about various in-game activities on...