Author: newhoaheo32
In Minecraft, when you point your crosshair at a block that is near to you, a dark outline showcasing...
The vanilla game allows you to upgrade diamond armor pisces into netherite ones with the help of a smithing...
When you are creating a new world, you will be given the option to adjust a set of game rules in the...
The vanilla crafting recipe to dye wool blocks and carpets is very wasteful. Dyeing a wool block requires...
In the vanilla game, you can upgrade diamond tools into netherite ones with the help of a crafting table....
The fastest and easiest way to obtain netherite tools in Minecraft is by crafting a diamond tool and...
In Minecraft, certain ores like iron, copper and gold, drop their raw ore variants upon being mined....
Concrete Powder is a building block that will help add texture detail to your builds. When they come...
In Minecraft, you can upgrade diamond armor pieces into netherite ones by combining them with a netherite...
Axolotls are one of the newest aquatic mobs added to the game. They are also arguably the cutest. In...
In the vanilla game, once a dye is applied to a glass block, it cannot be reversed or recolored. If you...
In the vanilla game, you can use dyes to color terracotta into one of sixteen colors available. But once...
Imagine comfortably mining for ores, and then suddenly your pickaxe just breaks. Most players apply expensive...
Enchanting tables are one of the most useful items in the survival game. Using it, you can apply a variety...
Froglights were added to the game in a recent update and they are arguably one of best looking light...