Author: newhoaheo32
If you are playing a survival challenge or on a server with limited rules, there will be situations where...
If you have a Minecraft base built out of wood, you need to be aware. A simple lava leak, a misclicked...
Mending is a very powerful enchantment that gives you the ability to repair damaged tools, weapons and...
Wireless redstone has been something that the technical Minecraft community has been striving to achieve...
When a player battles and defeats the Illagers at an Illager outpost, he is given the Bad Omen effect....
The Lush Cave biome was added to the game in a recent update. These are flourishing underground caves...
In the warm ocean biomes in the game, colorful corals generate underwater. The corals can be used for...
Blasting Base/Modded Metal Blocks Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) adds a simple feature that allows you to smelt...
Placeables Mod (1.20.4, 1.20.1) introduces custom 3D placeables variants for a lot of the items in-game....
Villager trading is one of the best ways to obtain items in the game. Different villagers trade different...
Once the player conquers the End dimension by killing the Ender dragon, the player can explore the End...
Do you play Minecraft in peaceful mode? If this is the case, you would know that the lack of hostile...
Don’t Spawn The Ender Dragon Mod (1.20.2, 1.20.1) is here to remove the Ender dragon from your...
Some servers may have certain features that make it a requirement for players to obtain expensive items...
Vanilla Enhanced Mod (1.20.1) aims to improve upon the vanilla game by adding some new features that...