Author: Moon
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects Mod (1.7.10) is an addon for Thaumcraft Mod that adds Thaumcraft Aspects to creatures...
Applied Energistics 2 Insert Export Card Mod (1.20.1) adds an Insert & Export Card for Applied Energistics...
Refined Storage Insert Export Upgrade Mod (1.20.1) adds a Insert & Export Upgrade for Refined Storage...
Thermal Expansion Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) adds blocks for automating various tasks, processing items and...
CoFH Core (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a mod that provides common functionality for the mods of Team CoFH. It...
Ender IO Recipes Thermal Expansion Induction Smelter Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) adds recipes to create EnderIO’s...
Terraformed API Reforged Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) is a library mod that is bundled with other Terraformers...
With Pam’s Portal Poof Mod (1.12.2) installed, you can no longer create Nether Portals. Useful...
Pam’s Pig Skin Mod (1.12.2) adds a drop called pig skin to pigs and zombie pigmen. Can be used...
Pam’s Squid Milking Mod (1.12.2) allows the player to gather ink sacs by right-clicking on squids...
Pam’s Sheep Milking Mod (1.12.2) allows the player to collect milk from sheep by right-clicking...
Pam’s Llama Milking Mod (1.12.2) allows the player to collect milk from llamas by right-clicking...
Pam’s Spooky Tree Mod (1.12.2) adds a Spooky Tree, which has purple leaves, a screaming face log,...
Pam’s Redbud Tree Mod (1.12.2) adds a new redbud tree, which is a rare spawn in Forest biomes....
Pam’s BrewCraft Mod (1.12.2) is an addon for Pam’s HarvestCraft Mod. It adds a Distiller...