Author: Moon
Rayon Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a rigid body simulation for entities library designed to work with Fabric...
Better Paragliders Mod (1.19.2) is a compat mod to implement Paraglider’s stamina system with Better...
UMU Little Maid Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) adds a maid to the game, you can hire her with a cake. She likes...
Dynamic Hero Powers Heropack Mod (1.7.10) adds some superhero costumes, they have quite unique designs...
RKG-3 Content Pack (1.7.10) only includes the RKG-3. RKG-3 is a series of Soviet anti-tank hand grenades. Features: Type-63...
Malughi Conflict Content Pack (1.7.10) is fairly unique because of it’s weapon customization system....
Vietnam Armors Content Pack (1.12.2, 1.7.10) adds armors for the National Liberation Front, with multiple...
Great War Project Content Pack (1.7.10) introduces a variety of more and less known weapons used in the...
French National Forces Content Pack (1.12.2, 1.7.10) adds two security uniforms and so basics of the...
SpiderMans Heropack Mod (1.7.10) is a simple heropack that adds about 7 Spider-Man costumes to the game....
Immersive Armors Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) adds a bunch of Vanilla-friendly and unique armor sets to the game....
Manus WW2 Content Pack (1.7.10) adds a lot of fighter planes and tanks with beautiful graphics. You will...
Minecraft-SMP Parts Content Pack (1.12.2, 1.7.10) is needed for many packs to work on equipment. Screenshots: Requires: Minecraft...
Universal Tweaks Mod (1.12.2) consolidates various bugfixes and tweaks into a single solution for Minecraft....
ConfigAnytime Mod (1.12.2) allows Forge configurations to be setup at any point in time. Especially for...