Battle Allay’s Mod (1.19.4, 1.19.2) – Protect You from Enemies
In Battle Allay’s Mod (1.19.4, 1.19.2) you can join forces with special allays that will fight monsters for you. There are also new re-worked vexes.
Allay Swordsman:
- Max Health – 16
- Melee Damage – 6
- The most basic allay in the mod, but there has to be at least one soldier in the army, right?
Bell allay:
- Max Health – 27
- Melee Damage – 4
- Armor – 4.5
- He’s the opposite of swordsman, dealing smoll amaut of damage and having smoll knockback, but being very tanky.
Crossbow Allay:
- Max Health – 12
- Range Damage – [Insert arrow damage here]
- The heavy crossbow makes this mob slow, but you must have support in the back of the field all times, and it’s kinda cute
Protector Allay:
- Shield Durability – 15
- Melee Damage – 1
- The fastest among them all, acts like the shield to the group, at least until the shield breaks, becoming a Swordsman Allay to keep on battle!
Bookman Allay:
- Max Health – 25
- Armor – 3.5
- Melee Damage – 1
- The stranght of this one is not the attak damege, but the magic abilitis. hes attak’s not only do a big amaut of knockback, but olso inflick bad effeck on the oponent. when the allay is attaked, he can fly up to the air, and after moment create 2-4 clones of allay swordman, that die in one hit.
Chest Allay:
- Chest Health – 10
- Armor – 4.5
- Range Damage – [Insert arrow damage here]
- A small Allay hidden inside a chest, protected from opponents, shoots arrows at enemies like an artillery piece that doesn’t move, when the chest breaks an Allay Swordsman will emerge from within. you can also pick theme up and place theme somewere else (only work’s with this one tho, cuse like, his in a chest still)
Wild Allay:
- Max health- 20
- Damage [range]- 3
- These allay went lost in a jungle. to survive, they tryed to look scary to scare away eny monster’s.
Lush Allay:
- Max health- 15
- Armor- 4
- Let’s say that the expedition to cave’s didn’t go well, and these allay were traped in lush cave’s.
Dripstone Allay:
- Max health- 20
- Armor- 1
- Damage [range]- 6
- The same deal as with the lush one’s. but this time, in the dripstone cave. sadly, to defend thereself the arm of those allay were… overgrown with dripstone. but hey, at least they puck a punch.
Allay in chest:
- These items store each type of allay (there are 6 of these item’s, of corse!), different allays have different prices so keep an eye out in the most beneficial for you
Totem of Allay’s:
- When right clicked the item will spawn a grup of allays to help you in the field, but caution, because after you use it the cooldown takes 50s to use again, and you can use it only 14 time’s before it’s destroyed.
- You can olso craft a better version of it called “ametysted totem of allay’s”, that spawn’s more allay’s but has 2min. cooldown.
Allay Flag:
- Allay are really usefull, but how can you get existing allay to change there position and follow you? that’s were this Banner come in!
- While holding it, allay in 30 block’s range will start folloing you, but not like animal’s, but they have there set position so they don’t run into echader.
- Just remember: allay will follow you only, if there not targeting anything.
- Max health- 5
- These litle fellas are baby allay’s!
- They spawn naturally, but not in some nice biome’s, but in soulsand vally’s and worped forest’s.
Ametysting and Lazuring:
- Allay are pretty strong, but sometime’s they need some help.
- By right clicking allay’s with ametyst you can make theme ametysted when ametysted mob dies, he’s reborn like with a totem of undying.
- Allay also have a chanse to become ametysted, by killing mob’s.
- By right clicking allay with a lapis lazuryt, he will heal 5hp.
Illager’s and Vex’s change’s:
- The vanilla vex got replaced by a nerfed version that can’t clip through walls and fly away from you just to make a surprise attack on you.
- Vexes also have Swordsman and Crossbow variants but they are similar to their allays counterpart. you only need to know that crossbow vex’s can hop on vindicater’s.
Allay Outpost:
- Have you ever noticed the presence of Allays in Pillagers Outposts? Now with the addition of Allays capable of protecting and attacking, it is possible to find outposts conquered by them, they do not contain loot but they are a great place for the player to protect themselves, and get Allays for free.
Friendly Fire:
- As distracted allays can accidentally attack the player, villagers or golems the friendly fire has been disabled, you’re welcome
- As villagers are often helpless creatures, there is a 25% chance that when a villager is attacked it will spawn a Chest Allay nearby to protect himself, no more hitting Wandering Traders, unless you want an arrow in your forehead
How to install:
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Battle Allay’s Mod (1.19.4, 1.19.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.19.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.4
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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