Bedwars Items and Generators Command Block 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds 9 spawn eggs. You get an emerald generator (These drop emeralds every minute), an island generator (These drop iron every second and gold every 5) and the other spawn eggs are villagers for each catagory (Melee, Utility etc.) that trade every single item on Hypixel Bedwars with the same amount of resources needed on there.In other words it is the exact same as Hypixel Bedwars minus the bed system.

Bedwars Items and Generators Command Block


  • Adds island (Iron and Gold) and middle (Emerald) spawners that drop on a timer.
  • Adds every item in bedwars including things like the bridge egg and fireballs.
  • Permanent Armor stays even after death.
  • All items found with the new villagers.
  • There is one villager per category (Melee,Utility,Blocks etc.)


Bedwars Items and Generators Command Block Screenshots 1

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  • Drink milk to remove your permanent armor and clear your inventory.
  • All the items are collected by trading with the villagers.

Vera 4×4 Bedwars Map:

Download from Server 1

How to install:

  • To add any one-command creation to your world, first give yourself a command block with /give @p minecraft:command_block.
  • Next, place it and paste the following command inside it.

Bedwars Items and Generators Command Block 1.12.2, 1.11.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.10.2

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.11.2, 1.11

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12

Download from Server 1

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