All seeds are listed below with the co-ordinates to the things such as: Villages, Strongholds etc!

  • Seed ID #1: 2525617506084080286
  • Seed ID #2: 7319697500799939733
  • Seed ID #3: -623160645725253637
  • Seed ID #4: 4850904448774285561
  • Seed ID #5: ZaliaLai


Seed ID #1

Mineshaft: x: 302 y: 35 z: 268

Dungeon/Skeleton Spawner: x: 271 y: 45 z: 248

Desert Temple: x: 234 y: 53 z: 106

1st NPC Village (Without Blacksmith):  x: 356 y: 67 z: 148

2nd NPC Village (With Blacksmith): x: 556 y: 67 z: 44

Seed ID #2

Stronghold: x: -202 y: 29 z: 758

Mushroom Biome: x: -135 y: 85 z: 774

Seed ID #3

Stronghold: x: -813 y: 36 z: 220

Mineshaft w/Ravine: x: -807 y: 29 z: 302

Seed ID #4

Dungeon/Zombie Spawner: x: 240 y: 72 z: 356

Desert Village: x: 116 y: 70 z: 257

Mineshaft: x: 87 y: 32 z: 240

Seed ID #5

Desert Temple: x: -357 y: 53 z: 330

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