Better Lush Caves Data Pack (1.21.4, 1.20.1) features changes and modifications to the new Lush Cave biome. Lush Cave is a new underground biome that was introduced to Minecraft in version 1.18. This data pack aims to improve the Lush Cave biomes by adding various features like better generation, unique particles, lots of adjustments to the Aquifer, and more. Have fun!


  • Lush Caves
    This data pack adds some extra, much needed features to lush caves. Spore blossom particles will now spawn in the air of the biome, regardless of whether or not there are spore blossoms nearby. Coal ore can be found below y=0. Rooted dirt and grass blocks now generate underground in patches. flowers generate on top of grass blocks. Lily pads can be found on the surface of water. Bee nests and bees can be found in the caves. Glow lichen spawns on top of moss, so there are less mobs in lush caves.
  • Lush Aquifers
    Aquifers in vanilla lush caves have no decoration blocks. Now, lush aquifers have moss, clay, tall and small dripleafs, sand, glow lichen, and seagrass.
  • Azalea Trees
    Azalea trees generate frequently when a lush cave is open to the sky. Rooted azaleas can only spawn on dirt-like blocks, so no more random azalea trees in a desert.
  • Moss Blocks
    Bonemealing moss now has a chance to spawn glow lichen. Spore blossoms and cave vines will be created if there is air under the moss.


How to Install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Data Packs

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Better Lush Caves Data Pack (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.19.4

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For Minecraft 1.20.4, 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20

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For Minecraft 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.6

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For Minecraft 1.21.4

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