Better Snow Mod
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October 5, 2013
About this mod:
Better Snow mod is designed to revamp Minecraft’s rather simple snow. After all, does snow really just pile up an inch and then stop, regardless of how much more it snows? And does snow really never melt? The answers are obviously no, and that is where Better Snow comes in!
Better Snow Mod Features:
- Snow has 16 heights
- Snow piles up during snowfall
- After snowfall snow exposed to high light levels slowly melts
- Snow never melts completely
- Snow slows down mobs and players that walk through it, the deeper the slower
- Placing snow on snow makes it one layer deeper
- No APIs or other mods required
- Full LAN support if all players have the mod
- Partial LAN support if at least the host has the mod
- Held snow does not change it’s image when multiple heights of snow exist
- Mobs sink all the way through the snow at all levels
- Snow drops snowballs based on how tall it is
- Snow settings can be configured
- Settings menu
- Compatible with AllSnow mod
Better Snow Mod Video:
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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Better Snow Mod Download Links
For Minecraft 1.6.4
For Minecraft 1.6.2
For Minecraft 1.5.2
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