Better Trims Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) – The Best Armor Effects
Better Trims Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) gives each armour trim material a unique effect when worn. This mod adds new armour trims and give each trim a unique feature.
Vanilla Material Effects:
- Quartz
- Increase bonus experience gained.
- Iron
- Increase your mining speed. (full set + efficiency 5 netherite pick + haste 2 can instantly mine deepslate).
- Netherite
- Can’t be destroyed by lava or fire, grants damage reduction to fire/lava.
- Redstone
- Increase your movement speed.
- Copper
- Swim faster (does not stack with depth strider or dolphin’s grace).
- Gold
- Piglins ignore you.
- Emerald
- Provides a discount on trades with villagers.
- Diamond
- Grants extra damage reduction.
- Lapis
- Pieces are more enchantable.
- Amethyst
- Chance per piece per second to reduce the duration of a negative potion effect by 1 second, or increase the duration of a positive potion effect by 1 second.
Added Vanilla Material Effects:
- Coal
- Players within 5 blocks will double the cooking speed of furnaces
- Dragons Breath
- Share your active potion effects with nearby entities
- Chorus Fruit
- Chance to dodge attacks from end creatures and tp a short distance
- Echo Shard
- Reduce the range of detection from skulk sensors
- Ender Pearl
- Chance to dodge any damage and tp a short distance
- Take damage from water and rain
- Fire Charge
- Entities that hit you will be set ablaze
- Glowstone Dust
- Chance on application to amplify positive potions by 1 level
- Leather
- Increase the step height of the wearer
- Nether Brick
- 2 Trims make blazes ignore you
- 4 Trims make wither skeletons ignore you but Piglins become enraged
- Prismarine Shard
- Guardians ignore you
- 4 Trims make you immune to the mining fatigue effect from elder guardians
- Rabbit Hide
- Passive animals don’t flee from you, even when struck
- Slime Ball
- You take less fall damage but take more knockback
- Enchanted Golden Apple
- Over time you are granted absorption hearts up to a max
Modded Trim Material Effects:
- Platinum
- Illagers ignore you.
- Silver:
- Stronger at Night
- Minor buffs to movement speed, jump height, attack damage, attack speed, damage reduction and improved vision.
- Most effects can be configured.
- In game config editting gui provided by ModMenu and YetAnotherConfigLib.
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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Better Trims Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.21.1
NeoForge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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