Big Doors Plugin (1.21.4, 1.20.1) creates impressive, animated doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more!


  • Big, animated doors of these types:
  • Big Door
  • Drawbridge
  • Portcullis
  • Sliding Door
  • More in development!
  • GUI for door management.
  • Redstone support.
  • Door creator to guide you through the door creation process.
  • Translation support.
  • Active developer support.
  • Support for various protection plugins

Commands and Permissions:

  • bigdoors.own.<numberOfDoors>
    Sets the maximum number of doors this group can own. Replace <numberOfDoors> by the actual number of doors. e.g. “bigdoors.own.4”.
  • bigdoors.user.gui
    /BigDoors, /BDM
    Allows you to access the BigDoors GUI.
  • bigdoors.user.createdoor.<type>
    Supported types: “door”, “drawbridge”, “portcullis”, “slidingdoor”, “flag”.
    /NewDoor [-BD || – PC || -DB] <DoorName>
    Initiate door/drawbridge creation process. Use “-BD” to initiate the big door creation process, “-PC” for portcullis, and “-DB” for drawbridge. Defaults to big door.
    /NewPortcullis <PortcullisName>
    Initiate the portcullis creation process.
    /NewDrawbridge <DrawbridgeName>
    Initiate the drawbridge creation process.
  • bigdoors.user.base
    /SetBlocksToMove <doorUID> <blocksToMove>
    Sets the number of blocks this door will try to move. Only applies to doors such as portcullises and sliding doors.
    /SetDoorRotation <doorUID> <direction>
    Changes the direction a door will try to move.
    /NameDoor <doorName>
    Sets the name of the door when you’re in a door creation process.
    Cancel object creation process.
  • bigdoors.user.deletedoor
    /DelDoor <DoorName>
    Allows you to delete a Big Door.
  • bigdoors.user.toggledoor
    /OpenDoor <DoorName> [DoorName2] … [DoorNameX]
    Allows you to open a Big Door (of any type). Also allows opening more than 1 door at a time.
    /CloseDoor <DoorName> [DoorName2] … [DoorNameX]
    Allows you to close a Big Door (of any type).
    /ToggleDoor <DoorName> [DoorName2] … [DoorNameX]
    Allows you to open a Big Door (of any type) when it is closed or close it when it’s open.
  • bigdoors.user.listdoors
    /ListDoors [Name]
    List all doors owned by you, with a specific name if provided.
    Console: /ListDoors <DoorName || PlayerName || PlayerUUID>
    List all doors with a given name (and who owns them) or all doors owned by a player (PlayerName can only be used for online players!).
  • bigdoors.user.doorinfo
    /DoorInfo <DoorName>
    Allows you to get information about a given door.
  • bigdoors.user.relocatepowerblock
    /ChangePowerBlockLoc <DoorName>
    Allows you to change the location of the powerblock of a given door.
  • bigdoors.user.inspectpowerblock
    Gives you a tool that gives you the door info of any powerblock you hit with it.
  • bigdoors.user.addowner
    /BigDoors AddOwner <doorUID> <playerName>
    Adds another user as an owner of the given door.
  • bigdoors.user.removeowner
    /BigDoors RemoveOwner <doorUID> <playerName>
    Removes another user as an owner of the given door.
  • bigdoors.user.setclosetime
    /SetAutoCloseTime <doorUID> <autoCloseTime>
    Sets the amount of time after which a door will try to close itself after it was opened. Negative values mean the door will not try to automatically close (you can still use redstone, of course).
  • bigdoors.admin.pausedoors
    Allows an admin to pause all doors. (toggle)
  • bigdoors.admin.stopdoors
    Forcefully finishes all doors currently in the process of being opened.
  • bigdoors.admin.unlockdoor
    /UnlockDoor <DoorName>
    Forcefully unlocks a door not owned by you.
  • bigdoors.admin.killbigdoorsentities
    Kills all entities that may have been left behind by BigDoors for one reason or another. Should not be necessary to use, but useful just in case.
  • bigdoors.admin.fillDoor
    /FillDoor <doorName || doorUID>
    Fills in a door with stone blocks, regardless of whether the user who issues the command is allowed to build there or not or if there are already blocks there.
  • bigdoors.admin.version
    /BigDoors Version
    Gets the version of the plugin. If it’s a dev-build, it’ll also show you the build number.
  • bigdoors.admin.restart
    /BigDoors Restart
    Restarts the plugin. Almost everything will be reinitialized (config, translation, etc).
  • bigdoors.admin.bypass.<attribute>
    Gives you access to all doors via commands, even if they don’t own them.
    The attributes are: “lock”, “toggle”, “info”, “delete”, “relocatepowerblock”, “changetime”, “blockstomove”, “direction”, “addowner”, and “removeowner”. Note that when accessing a door you’re not an owner of, you’ll have to use its UID!


How to install:

  • Download a plugin of your choice.
  • Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
  • Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
  • Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
  • Run the server.
  • All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.

Big Doors Plugin (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.11 to Minecraft Spigot 1.19

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For Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1, 1.19.4

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For Minecraft Spigot 1.20.6, 1.20.4

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For Minecraft Spigot 1.21.1, 1.21

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For Minecraft Spigot 1.21.4

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