Black Diamond Tools Mod
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July 30, 2013
So now you know the motive behind this mod, on to the features it has to offer, currently it offers black diamond variation of every tool, and of course a black diamond to craft them with. All the tools are stronger than diamond, and have 2000 uses each (could be subject to change).
Well to craft any of the new tools you are going to need a black diamond crafted like so
The tools themselves are crafted as you would craft any tool, but with black diamond, however if you would still like to see how to craft them
- Download and install Minecraft Forge installer
- Download Black Diamond Tools Mod
- Put Black Diamond Tools Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it. If you don’t have a mods folder, create it
- Done
- Added the ability to repair tools in an anvil with a black diamond
- Changed id so there are no mismatches
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