Blades+ Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) – Upgrading Vanila Swords
Blades+ Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) adds post-Dragon upgrades to all vanila sword (except netherite one, it’s good as it already is). Each upgrade is unique, providing different gameplay options.
- Groveblade: an upgrade to a wooden sword. When you attack a mob with this weapon, 8 razorleaves will appear, damaging nearby enemies. They do not deal great damage and neither does the sword itself for it’s main feature is that when razorleaves go through mobs said mobs drop XP orbs (bigger the damage – bigger the orb)
- Gaia: an upgrade to a stone sword. Use it on a solid ground to raise a Gaia pillar. When mobs are being attacked with any sword (except this one) in the range of this pillar they’ll take additional damage. Of course, it does work in PvP too. My personal recomendation is to keep that weapon as a support for your stronger weapons.
- Excalibur: an upgrade to an iron sword. When there are many undead near you, it will charge, allowing you to summon a waves of light that purge undead (and not-undead but not as hard) on swing. Damage of said waves cannot be increased and it does ignore the armor of affected mob.
- Gold Hoarder: an upgrade to a golden sword. As the name suggests, in order for this weapon to be strong, you must hoard gold (or any other valuables, such as gold, amethyst, emeralds, diamonds etc.). Luckily, this weapon can help you do this. When you kill a mob, there is a chance for it to drop something of value. The chance isn’t great and you probably won’t get many diamonds from this. Each valuable kept in the inventory will increase the damage done by this sword by 0.2%, capping at 128% (this is 10 stacks of valuables). Basically grind-to-win.
- Yamato: an upgrade to a diamond sword. Ever wanted to be edgy? Deal with psychological problems by slaying people? If so, than this weapon is for you! It is in sheath by default, press RMB to unsheath it with a powerful blow that grants i-frames on use. If you manage to hit more than 2 mobs with said blow, this sword awakens. When unsheathed, attacks on mobs leave reality sliced that deal damage to nearby enemies piercing their armor. Awakened state boosts overall efficiency of this weapon. However, if you take a damage while using this weapon or if it’s not in your main hand, it goes back to sheath. As they say, BURY THE LIIIGHT DEEP WITHIIIN!
Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
How to use:
- To upgrade a sword, you first need to kill the Ender Dragon.
- When it is killed, th Heart of Final will appear above head of each player now present in the End, attack it and it will go into your inventory.
- Once you got it, craft an upgraded sword using a basic sword, the Heart of Final and other items (use JEI for recipes) on a crafting table.
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
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Blades+ Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.18.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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