Blood Smeltery Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) is an addon for Blood Magic Mod that provides more integration with Tinkers’ Construct Mod.


Fluid Demonic Will:

  • Demonic will is now a fluid and can easily be extracted from tartaric gems by right clicking on a tank or inserted into them by pouring will fluid on them in a casting table.
  • Demonic will can also be alloyed with blood to make life essence or liquid glass to make soul sand.

Blood-Seared Stone / New Tool Material Blood-Rune:

  • Blood-Seared stone can be alloyed from seared stone and life essence and casted into blank runes or blank slates.
  • It can also be turned into a new tool material Blood-Rune, which has the modifier bloodstained.
  • Bloodstained Tool Modifier:
    • Tools/weapons with the bloodstained modfier repair themselves using LP from your soul network, costing less life essence the higher level they have.

New Tool Material Bloodbrass:

  • New alloy bloodbrass, created either by alloying molten copper and life essence or created in a tier 2 blood altar.
  • Tools made from bloodbrass have the exsanguinate modifier.
  • Exsanguinate Tool Modifier:
    • Tools/weapons with the exsanguinate modifier add LP to your soul network whenever you slay a monster.
    • Adding a higher amount the higher level the tool and the higher base health the monster has.

Sentient Tinkers Tools:

  • New modifier Sentience, added by applying a Tartaric Gem to your tool, makes your tool act like the sentient sword/pickaxe.
  • Making slain monsters drop demon will and powering up based on the amount and type of demon will you posses.

Divination Rune On Your Tool:

  • New modifier Divination, by adding a Divination Rune or Seer’s Rune to your tool, you can make it behave like the added rune, saving on inventory space and being more convenient when combined with the new materials.


Alloying Life Essence: Fluid Demonic Will and Blood can be alloyed into life essence.

Casting Soul Essence: Filling a Blood Arsenal Soul Pendant with demonic will.

TComplement Melter: Support for TComplement’s melter and High Oven in the GUI.

Thermal Expansion: Freezing Demonic Will back into item form.

Crystal Farming: Melting collected crystals for a different life essence farm.

Sentient Tinkers Tools: Sentient Tinkers tools level up based on the amount and type of demonic will you have at the same rate as the default blood magic ones.

Demonic Will Fluid: All 5 types of demonic will fluid

Blood-Seared Stone and Blood-Rune Tools: Blood-Rune Tools repair themselves with LP from your soul network.

Bloodbrass Alloy and Tools: Bloodbrass tools add LP to your soul network when slaying a monster.

Sentient Modifier: Add Sentience to your tinkers tools

Divination Modifier: Conveniently carry divination runes on your tool

Divination Modifier: Divination displays extra information when looking at blood altars or incence altars

Demonic Will Recipes: Alloying demonic will into life essence and soul sand.


Minecraft Forge

Atlas Lib (For Minecraft 1.12.2)

Blood Magic Mod

Mantle Mod

Patchouli Mod

Tinkers’ Construct Mod

How to install:

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Blood Smeltery Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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