Boat Contraptions Mod (1.16.5) – Drivable Boat
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April 18, 2022
Boat Contraptions Mod (1.16.5) adds a tool to allow the minecraft and its contraption to be seated in the passenger seat of the boat (or any other entity). At the moment, In acceptance mode 0, the version is unstable, be sure to make backups of the world. In acceptance modes 1 and 2 the mod is quite stable.
This mod allows you to make boat contraptions with the Create mod.
This is a boat contraption. With Create.
Linked boat contraption
Pig contraption
Ghast contraption
Slime contraption
Boat Villager Contraption Contraption
Drill boat contraption
How to use:
Acceptance mode command guide:
- To increase stability, there is a command that allows you to set an Acceptance Entity Mode (/setacceptancemode). By default, it is set to 1. It allows you to set which mobs can be used in contraptions.
- On servers, recommend setting it to 1 or 2.
- It works on tags boatcontraptions:contraption_convertable and boatcontraptions:always_acceptable_entities for first and second mode, respectively.
- If mode 0, or mode is enabled, all entities can be used in contraptions.
- If mode 1 is enabled, only this list can be used in contrapions: All vanilla living entities, boats, minecarts and armor stand.
- Exceptions:
- Dragon
- Ravager
- Elder Guardian
- Endermite
- Ghast
- Hoglin
- Zoglin
- Polar bear
- Plufferfish
- Enderman
- Giant
- Iron Golem
- Player
- Shulker
- Wither
- Wither Skeleton
- Exceptions:
- If mode 2 is enabled, only boats can be used in contraptions.
How to install:
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
Boat Contraptions Mod (1.16.5) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge version: Download from Server 2
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