A breeze rod is an item dropped from breezes used to craft wind charges and maces, as well as to duplicate flow armor trims.


Item in inventory:

Rarity color: Common

Renewable: Yes

Stackable: Yes (64)


Mob loot

When killed by a player or tamed wolf, a breeze drops 1-2 breeze rods. The Looting enchantment can increase the drops by 1-2 per level, for a maximum of 8 breeze rods. Breezes do not drop any breeze rods if killed by any other source.

Source Roll Chance Quantity (Roll Chance)
Default Looting I Looting II Looting III
Breeze 100% 1–2 2–4 3–6 4–8


Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredient Crafting recipe
Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template Diamond + Flow Armor Trim + Breeze Rod
Mace Heavy Core + Breeze Rod
Wind Charge Breeze Rod


Breeze rods can be used in an anvil to repair the mace.

Data values


Java Edition:

Name Identifier      Form Translation key
Breeze Rod breeze_rod Item item.minecraft.breeze_rod

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier      Numeric ID    Form Translation key
Breeze Rod breeze_rod 428 Item item.minecraft.breeze_rod
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