Brototype Island Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a city map designed by Oldshoes. Welcome to Brototype Island! Take a wonderful tour of this innovative island, created as a testing ground for new features and blocks for the next Broville map. This unique island serves as a playground for new ideas and experimental designs, crafted by the talented team behind Broville. Here, you’ll find a captivating blend of architectural marvels and imaginative landscapes, each showcasing the limitless possibilities of Minecraft’s creative mode. From intricate buildings to sprawling environments, Brototype Island invites you to explore its many wonders and witness the evolution of Broville firsthand. Come and be inspired by the endless creativity and innovation that define Brototype Island.


How to install:

Brototype Island Map (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links

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