Builder’s Utilities Plugin (1.16.5) is a versatile plugin designed to enhance the building experience on Minecraft servers. This plugin offers a suite of tools and features aimed at streamlining construction tasks and improving efficiency for builders. It’s an essential tool for any server with a focus on large-scale builds or detailed construction projects.


  • Customizable Tools: Provides a range of customizable building tools that can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the server and its builders.
  • Quick Access Menu: Features an intuitive quick access menu, allowing builders to easily switch between tools and functions without breaking their workflow.
  • Brushes and Shapes: Includes various brush and shape tools for quickly creating complex structures, such as spheres, cylinders, and more.
  • Undo/Redo Functionality: Offers robust undo and redo capabilities, making it easy to correct mistakes and experiment with different designs.
  • WorldEdit Integration: Seamlessly integrates with WorldEdit, enhancing its functionality and providing additional tools for more advanced building techniques.
  • Efficient Block Placement: Optimizes block placement to reduce lag and improve performance, even on large projects.
  • Custom Commands: Allows server administrators to define custom commands for builders, streamlining repetitive tasks and increasing productivity.
  • Permissions Support: Comprehensive permissions system to control access to various tools and features, ensuring that only authorized builders can use certain commands.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with ease of use in mind, providing a straightforward and accessible interface for builders of all skill levels.
  • Frequent Updates: Regularly updated with new features and improvements based on community feedback, ensuring it stays relevant and useful.



/bu, /butil – Opens personal toggle menu for basic features

/secretblocks, /blocks – Opens menu for “secret” Minecraft blocks

/banner, /bm – Opens banner creator

/color, /armorcolor – Opens armor color creator

/noclip, /nc – Toggles no-clip mode

/nv, /n – Toggles nightvision

/advfly, /af – Toggles advanced fly mode

How to install:

Builder’s Utilities Plugin (1.16.5) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.13 to Minecraft 1.17

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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