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Minecraft Mods

Minecraft Mods are enjoyed by both players and programmers. Minecraft mods (short for Minecraft modifications) describe the output or process of adding custom items and blocks to Minecraft. Modding allows users to expand the open-ended game, incorporating new tools, blocks, mobs, and more.

  • 79 views ❘ July 17, 2016

    Custom TNT Igniter mod adds a new TNT igniter that allows customization of nearly all functional aspects... 

  • 47 views ❘ July 15, 2016

    Sky Squids mod adds squid (based on “Ikafurai”) that can be fly in the sky. Screenshot: Mod... 

  • 30 views ❘ July 12, 2016

    Magnificent… masterpiece… superlative… glorious… majestic… words fail... 

  • 124 views ❘ July 2, 2016

    This mod adds exo skeleton to Minecraft. It is a futuristic armor with lots of effects. The armour contains:... 

  • 141 views ❘ June 29, 2016

    WeaponsPlus mod adds various weapons sets to the game. Weapons: Coal Weapons Give your opponent Blindness... 

  • 101 views ❘ June 28, 2016

    Botania Unofficial mod is the port and unofficial continuation of Vazkii’s wonderful mod Botania... 

  • 61 views ❘ June 27, 2016

    Dulce De Leche Mod adds content that tries to follow vanilla balance. Modules Enchantments Module Adds... 

  • 238 views ❘ June 23, 2016

    Expandable Backpacks mod adds upgradeable backpacks to the game. Screenshots: Contents: Crafting Recipes: Recommend... 

  • 68 views ❘ June 22, 2016

    Modules: Ender: Ender Glove – When held in your offhand, all drops from mined blocks and killed... 

  • 121 views ❘ June 22, 2016

    Climbing Claw Mod allows you to create a Climbing Claw. The Climbing claw will allow you to climb blocks... 

  • 180 views ❘ June 20, 2016

    Tomb Many Graves Mod 1.10.2 adds just one block: a grave. You can’t craft it, you can’t harvest... 

  • 187 views ❘ June 17, 2016

    Electric Advantage is an add-on mod to Power Advantage that adds electricity to your Minecraft experience. Screenshots... 

  • 106 views ❘ June 15, 2016

    Steam Advantage is an add-on mod to the Power Advantage Mod for Minecraft. It adds machines that are... 

  • 146 views ❘ June 15, 2016

    Power Advantage is a mod for Minecraft that provides a simple API for adding power systems (such as... 

  • 389 views ❘ June 13, 2016

    1×2 Mining Drills Mod 1.12.2, 1.8.9 adds 3 new tools which breaks the blocks in a 1 x 2 radius....