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Minecraft Mods

Minecraft Mods are enjoyed by both players and programmers. Minecraft mods (short for Minecraft modifications) describe the output or process of adding custom items and blocks to Minecraft. Modding allows users to expand the open-ended game, incorporating new tools, blocks, mobs, and more.

  • 101 views ❘ May 13, 2013

    Land protection mod. Create new towns, add members to it, set up personalised plots, configure plot/town... 

  • 128 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    This mod adds very powerful tools and armour made of ender Ingots. The mod adds a couple new items and... 

  • 240 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    Elemental Tinkerer is a mod about tinkering with elemental magic and revealing mysteries left behind... 

  • 429 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    This will allow you to find chest underground or above ground in mine shafts or in dungeons you will... 

  • 135 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This Mod adds a few new Crops and Food:GreenPepper, EggPlant, Tomato, Lettuce, Onion, Strawberrys, Coffee... 

  • 360 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Tale of Kingdoms 2 is a follow up on tale of kingdoms 1, where the story ended there continues here,... 

  • 68 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This mod adds two new world types that can be selected the same way as ‘Default’, ‘Super... 

  • 327 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    The Herbology Mod is a new way to approach medicine and brewing in Minecraft! Plant lovers will finally... 

  • 117 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This is a Not Enough Items plugin that shows Forestry bee mutations and products in NEI. Works with... 

  • 49 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This mod just adds 1 block. This block can power a field within its range as specified in the configuration.... 

  • 48,012 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    It adds two things; a wrench which works on BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft, RailCraft, Forestry, Thermal... 

  • 78 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Battlechatter is a Pvp oriented mod that helps users organize their groups with a number of features... 

  • 90 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    The map generator of Minecraft generate originally bedrock randomly on the bottom five layers in the... 

  • 53,184 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Quicksand falls like sand or gravel when unsupported and any mob unfortunate enough to fall in is doomed... 

  • 175 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    The Ninjas mod is a great mod that adds in new mobs and items. This mod adds some ninja content to the...