Minecraft Mods
Minecraft Mods are enjoyed by both players and programmers. Minecraft mods (short for Minecraft modifications) describe the output or process of adding custom items and blocks to Minecraft. Modding allows users to expand the open-ended game, incorporating new tools, blocks, mobs, and more.
4,046 views ❘ January 22, 2020
Pipe Goggles Mod 1.14.4, 1.12.2 currently only adds a single item, the Pipe Goggles. They allow the wearer...
3,400 views ❘ January 22, 2020
Fimbulwinter Mod 1.14.4 is a Winterjam entry that ambitiously adds a new Winter themed dimension, complete...
3,687 views ❘ January 21, 2020
Tag Tooltip Mod 1.15.1, 1.14.4 adds the tags that an item has to the tooltip and what mod adds them,...
BacoDifficulty Mod 1.12.2 is a very simple mod created originally for RLCraft to prevent anything except...
Chemical Exchange Tweaks Mod 1.12.2 is a simple custom tweaks mod for the modpack “Chemical Exchange”....
Amnesia Core 1.12.2, 1.11.2 is a required mod for all amnesia mods. All amneisa mods have a similar theme,...
Turtle Shell Drop Mod (1.16.5, 1.15.2) is a simple mod that makes it so when turtles die, there is a...
Feeling hungry in the world of blocks and mining? Then look out because theirs a HUGE delivery truck...
7,310 views ❘ January 15, 2020
XPTeleporters 2 Mod 1.12.2 is a 1.12.2 port/spiritual successor to Latvian’s 1.9 mod “Warp...
3,793 views ❘ January 15, 2020
Wireless Pattern Terminal Mod 1.12.2 adds a wireless version of the AE2 Pattern Terminal. Features: Items: A...
5,228 views ❘ January 15, 2020
Tesslocator Mod 1.12.2 adds a Translocator and Tessarract hybrid. How to use: Place on chests, right-click...
3,136 views ❘ January 10, 2020
Automation Helpers Mod 1.12.2 adds a few blocks that help with automation. Features: It currently adds...
7,773 views ❘ January 10, 2020
Simple Smeltery Accelerator Mod 1.12.2 is a simple mod that adds Simple Smeltery Accelerator. Put this...
3,765 views ❘ January 10, 2020
AE2 Wireless Interface Terminal Mod 1.12.2 adds a wireless version of the AE2 Interface Terminal. Features: Baubles...
9,685 views ❘ January 10, 2020
1.13 Water Mechanics Mod 1.12.2 emulates the bubble columns introduced in the 1.13 version. How does...