Minecraft Mods
Minecraft Mods are enjoyed by both players and programmers. Minecraft mods (short for Minecraft modifications) describe the output or process of adding custom items and blocks to Minecraft. Modding allows users to expand the open-ended game, incorporating new tools, blocks, mobs, and more.
Biome Paint Tools Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 allows people to change biome on certain position using pencil. How...
144 views ❘ September 2, 2017
Custom Achievements Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 allows players to implement their very own customized achievements...
AdventureTime Mod 1.12.2, 1.7.10 adds your favorite characters, related items and tons of things from...
LazyModder Mod 1.12.1, 1.11.2 is a core mod with useful functions for Modders. The core mod also adds...
735 views ❘ September 2, 2017
Imaginary Mod 1.12, 1.11.2 gives an abilitiy to add images into Minecraft. This mod supports any formats...
Clone Land Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds a clone dimension of the overworld, that can be swapped to at any...
118 views ❘ August 29, 2017
Torch Arrows Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 allows you to light up areas from a distance. No longer will you need...
482 views ❘ August 23, 2017
Ex Nihilo Mod 1.7.10 allows players to get almost any item using just basic blocks like cobblestone,...
143 views ❘ August 22, 2017
Living Fireworks Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds the ability to make any living entity except other players launch...
80 views ❘ August 21, 2017
Terrain Crystals Mod 1.10.2, 1.8.9 allows players to construct large spike-shaped islands out of several...
260 views ❘ August 21, 2017
Underwater Utilities Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds helpful utilities for working underwater. Screenshots and...
232 views ❘ August 21, 2017
Ex Nihilo Adscensio Mod 1.10.2 is the spiritual successor of Ex Nihilo, the skyblock mod. Meaning “From...
2,803 views ❘ August 20, 2017
Cosmetic Wings Mod 1.12.1, 1.11.2 adds cosmetic wings to Minecraft. Simply press the Y key (default can...
77 views ❘ August 20, 2017
PackGuard Mod 1.12.2 is a fairly small mod that helps modpack creators avoid false bug reports. It monitors...
136 views ❘ August 19, 2017
Creepers Fire Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 is a mod to make Creepers explode instantly when they are on fire. Made...