Thanks to Minecraft: Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition, players can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of Minecraft only through their phones. Minecraft PE/Bedrock addons are additional installations that can add new features and special content to your worlds in PE/Bedrock.
6,126 views ❘ May 18, 2023 ❘
Many Minecraft players prefer the Bedrock Edition because it runs well on consoles, phones, and tablets....
1,143 views ❘ May 16, 2023 ❘
With Olympic Games Map (1.19), you can join your friends for the Olympic Games on the Minecraft Bedrock...
16,947 views ❘ May 15, 2023 ❘
Survival Lucky Blocks Map (1.19) is an infinite world made of lucky blocks of many colors that can generate...
1,716 views ❘ May 12, 2023 ❘
SimplyCubed Texture Pack (1.19) simplifies the blocks without losing their essence or appearance. The...
775 views ❘ May 9, 2023 ❘
Now of course you’ve heard of Skyblock, the classic Minecraft game mode, but have you ever heard...
618 views ❘ May 9, 2023 ❘
Do you want to make the ghast in Minecraft more terrifying? Blood Eye Texture Pack (1.19) will transform...
2,123 views ❘ May 8, 2023 ❘
Axolotl Client (1.18) is a great client for Minecraft players who want to improve their game performance...
35,254 views ❘ May 6, 2023 ❘
Reflective Vanilla Shader emulates real shaders, which were removed from the console version of Minecraft...
19,808 views ❘ May 5, 2023 ❘
Txyme’s Cottagecore Pack (1.19) was originally made by thyme for Java Edition and was ported by...
12,532 views ❘ May 2, 2023 ❘
Jurassic World Map (1.19) is the largest theme park worldwide, with a myriad of prehistoric marvels to...
21,841 views ❘ April 30, 2023 ❘
KMPE Shader Rebooted Edition (1.19) is an old shader with a new name and codes for both Renderdragon...
4,442 views ❘ April 28, 2023 ❘
X-Ray (1.19+) is a tool that allows Minecraft players to see through solid blocks and locate valuable...
2,786 views ❘ April 26, 2023 ❘
Prepare yourself for The Underwater Monster Tale – a Minecraft map that will immerse you in an...
7,539 views ❘ April 24, 2023 ❘
If you want to improve your PvP skills, you should try this brand-new PvP texture pack. TrueBlue [32x]...
1,883 views ❘ April 24, 2023 ❘
Aerugo [16x] Texture Pack (1.19) aims to improve PvP aspect (player versus player) mode, where you can...