Bukkit Plugins
321 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
OpGuard Plugin (1.12.2) is a plugin that protects servers against op exploits & malicious plugins...
550 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
Drop-Event Plugin (1.17.1, 1.16.5) creates unique events with a simple command (/eventon and /creategotoevent)....
942 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
OfflineManager Plugin (1.19.1, 1.18.2) allows you to use the list of functions to edit the player you...
511 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
Second Chance Plugin (1.12.2) gives your friends (and enemies) a second chance before they finally go...
250 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
Arenax1 Plugin (1.12.2) is a plugin that allows you to duel with other players in a configurable arena...
217 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
Bullseye Plugin (1.19.1, 1.18) adds the ability for blocks to detect arrows with a sign. Allows you to...
371 views ❘ September 17, 2022 ❘
SkyChanger Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) is a lightweight plugin built for Spigot and Sponge. The main function...
274 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
WarningManager Plugin (1.12.2) is a small, very useful plugin that will help admins control their players....
847 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
Reputation Plugin (1.16.5, 1.14.4) allows you to track the reputations of your players. Behave, fight...
264 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
UsedRotten Plugin (1.12.2) is a very simple plugin for Bukkit. Others have done it, but have lagged a...
535 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
Invisibility Cloak Plugin (1.12.2) is a plugin for that players will be given a piece of leather labeled...
7,371 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
Smoking Pipes Plugin (1.17.1, 1.16.5) helps players relax in the tavern with a pipe full of puffweed. Method Craft...
1,115 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
Clans Plugin (1.15.2, 1.14.4) is going to remain in development and undergo a pro(PAID) version. But...
130 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
CrystalQuest Plugin (1.12.2) is a PvP-based minigame where your goal is to get as many crystals for your...
527 views ❘ September 16, 2022 ❘
Item Restrict Plugin (1.12.2) allows you to create a restricted items list, you can restrict item ownership,...