Chains-Link Mod (1.16.5) extends the functionality of the chain with new features. A chain is a decorative object in the game, and using it allows you to express your creativity so that you may make your home look lovely and unique. However, imagine if these chains could be used for something more than just decorating your home. Try out the Chains-Link Mod if you are also interested in finding the solution to your question. Only along the axis that is defined by them do chains have sticky qualities comparable to those of slime blocks with pistons. In other words, chains will only adhere to the ends of blocks and not the sides of the blocks themselves. Chains can have anywhere from zero to six separate branches emanating from a single block, which means they can be used to make junctions and corners. When combined with the sticky behavior, this enables you to create slime bricks of your own design.


  • Add new features to the chain.
  • The chain will have sticky properties.



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Fabric API

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Chains-Link Mod (1.16.5) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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