CoinsAPI Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) – Spigot
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June 24, 2023
CoinsAPI Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a versatile addition to Minecraft servers that enables the implementation of a virtual currency system. It provides server owners with the tools to create a unique in-game economy, allowing players to earn and spend virtual currency for various purposes. With CoinsAPI, server administrators can enhance the gameplay experience by introducing a dynamic economy that fosters player interaction and progression.
- MySQL – All of the players coins are stored in the Database.
This means that they can be called up on any server provided the same Database is entered. - Hex colors – Hex colors are supported with which you can better customize the plugin design.
- Commands – Commands to add, remove or reset coins.
The commands also work through the console. - Developer API – The Developer API provides access directly
to the database coins or the current session coins.
Furthermore, there are events with which you can creatively let off steam. - Vault Support – You want to use CoinsAPI with other money
plugins, no problem CoinsAPI offers Vault support. - Numbers format – The formatting of the coins is special in this plugin,
for example, the coins are displayed as 1.000 and not 1000. - UUID Support – The players are not saved in the Database by
their player name but by their UUID.
So it is not a problem if a player changes his name. - Editable Messages – All messages can be configured in the Messages.yml.
Including whether the pay command should be activated. - Placeholder Support – The plugin also supports the PlaceholderAPI.
%CoinsAPINB_coinsdb% – Directly from the database.
%CoinsAPINB_coins% – From the current session.
- /Coins — Displays your current coins.
- /Coins [Player] — Displays the current coins of a player.
- /Coins [Player] reset — Resets the coins of a player.
- /Coins [Player] pay [Amount] — Send coins to other players.
- /Coins [Player] [add | remove | set] [Amount] — Edit coins from players.
- /Coins reload — Reload all config settings.
- /Pay [Player] [Amount] — Send coins to other players.
- coinsapi.showcoins — Displays the current coins of a player.
- coinsapi.editcoins — Edit coins from players.
- coinsapi.reset — Resets the coins of a player.
- — Send coins to other players.
- coinsapi.checkupdate — To receive update notification.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
CoinsAPI Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.8 to Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1
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