Combat Enchantments Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) – Weapon Enchants
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May 17, 2024
❘ Author: dsfhdshdjtsb
❘ Available for: Fabric
Combat Enchantments Mod (1.20.6, 1.20.1) adds a few enchants for swords, bows, crossbows, and armor. Balanced around both PVP and PVE.
12 Sword enchantments
8 Armor enchantments
7 Bow enchantments
5 Crossbow enchantments
2 Trident Enchantments
Configuration file support (Config file located in config folder as
Sword Enchants
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Deal additional damage after you finish attacking
Each attack will increase the target’s aftershock level by 1, capping out at (level + 2) stacks
After not being attacked for 3 seconds, the target will take (stacks * 2) magic damage
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 5
Rarity: Rare
Gain stacking attack speed
Gain 1 fervor stack for hitting an enemy, caps out at (fervor level * 2) stacks
each stack grants 5% increased attack speed (I think)
stacks last for (2.5 + level) seconds and are refreshed upon attacking
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 5
Rarity: Uncommon
Steal hp from nearby enemies
Affect enemies within (2 + level) blocks of the target
Deal 1hp magic damage to all affected enemies, heal yourself by (number of enemies hit + level) hp
(15 – level) second cooldown
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 5
Rarity: Uncommon
Hit enemies repeatedly to strike them with lightning
Each hit will apply the mark effect for 1 + (level) * 0.2 seconds
hitting an enemy with mark will increase the mark level by 1
upon hitting an enemy 10 – level times (hitting an enemy with 4 stacks), the enemy will be struck by lightning and the stacks will reset to 0
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 5
Rarity: Uncommon
Grant buffs to nearby pets after hitting an enemy
level 1: Regen 1 for 1 second
Level 2: Regen 1, Speed 1 for 2 seconds
level 3: Regen 1, Speed 1, Resistance 1 for 3 seconds
level 4: Regen 1, Speed 1, Resistance 1, Strength 1 for 4 seconds
level 5: Regen 1, Speed 1, Resistance 1, Strength 2 for 5 seconds
Type: sword enchantment
Max Level: 5
Rarity: Rare
Deal bonus damage based on experience level
bonus damage = ln(exp level) – 1 (rounded down to nearest integer)
+1 at exp 8, +2 at exp 21, +3 at exp 55, +4 at exp 149, +5 at exp 404, +6 at exp 1097, etc.
Will not deal negative damage
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Very Rare treasure
Incompatible: Lethality
Deal increased damage to enemies with more armor than you
Bonus damage = ((enemy armor – your armor) / (6 – level)) hp
Will not deal negative damage
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 3
Rarity: Common
Incompatible: Perception
Ignite all enemies near the target enemy on fire
ignite all enemies within ((level + 1) * 2) blocks of the target for (level + 1) seconds
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Rare
Incompatible: Fire Aspect
Killing enemies grants health and hunger
Player kills: (level) hp and (level * 3) hunger
Mob Kills: (level / 2) hp, 1 hunger
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 3
Rarity: Rare
Incompatible: Rampage
Killing enemies grants strength and speed, and applies weakness on hit for a short duration
Player kills: strength 2 + speed 2 for (4 + level * 2) seconds, apply weakness 1 on hit for (4 + level * 2) seconds
Mob kills: strength 1 + speed 1 for (4 + level * 2) seconds, apply weakness 1 on hit for (4 + level * 2) seconds
Weakness lasts for (level) seconds
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 3
Rarity: Rare
Incompatible: Triumph
Hitting an enemy will knock away all nearby enemies within 6 blocks.
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Rare
Hitting an enemy will cause the user to explode.
Explosion is half as strong as a TNT explosion
The user will die(regardless of armor, buffs, etc.)
Type: Sword enchantment
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Uncommon
Armor Enchants
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Taking damage will randomly grant status effects
Upon getting hit, gain resistance, regen, fire resistance, health boost, speed OR increase the level of increasing resistance (up to level 2)
resistance capped at level 1
each level increases chance for random resistance by 6.25% (16 total levels with 4 armor pieces at Sorcery IV = 100% chance)
effects last for (average level * 3) seconds
Type: Armor(all) enchantment
Max Level: 4
Rarity: Uncommon
Incompatible: Shielding
After not taking damage for 15 seconds, gain absorption
absorption level starts at level 1, and increases by 1 for every 4 points of shielding(max points is 16, therefore the max absorption level is 5)
Absoprtion will linger after taking damage for (0.5 x total shielding level) before disappearing
Type: Armor(all) enchantment
Max Level: 4
Rarity: Uncommon
Incompatible: Sorcery
Gain absorption when below half hp
absorption level = 1 + number of nearby enemies(capped at level 5)
absorption duration = (amount of nearby mobs + 2) seconds (capped at 6 seconds)
1 minute cooldown
Type: Chest enchantment
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Very Rare
Flame Walker
After being hit, leave a trail of flame where you walk for a short duration
duration = (2.5 x level)
also gain fire resistance for (2.5 x level) seconds
Type: Boots enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Very Rare
Deal area damage after falling from a height
Damage dealt = fall damage taken, capped at 10
fall damage calculated before damage reduction(including feather falling)
Affects enemies within (damage amount) blocks
Applies slowness 2 to nearby enemies for (damage amount * 0.5) seconds
Type: Armor(boots) enchantment
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Rare
Gain random chance to deflect arrows
(level * 10) % chance to deflect arrows
Type: Chest enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Very Rare
After being hit, apply glowing effect to the attacker
duration = (level*1.5 + 1) seconds
Type: helmet enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Rare
Curse of Darkness
Gain several buffs under darkness, but burn in the light
While under light level 10, gain speed and swiftness 1, as well as regeneration 1 upon hitting an enemy.
While above or at light level 10, burn
Type: Helmet curse
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Very Rare treasure
Bow Enchants
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Hitting an enemy will send out bolts of lightning that continually bounce to nearby enemies
Deals 2 + level hp magic damage to each target, except for the original target
Lightning will bounce to enemies within 4 blocks of the hit enemy
Will not work while if a barrage effect is active(still works for normal shots with a barrage bow)
Type: Bow enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Very Rare
Incompatible: Volley
Hitting an enemy will cause arrows to fall from the sky around the target
arrows speed increase with level but tbh, I have no clue how fast that is
Will not work while if a barrage effect is active(still works for normal shots with a barrage bow)
Type: Bow enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Rare
Incompatible: Zap
Shoot arrows instantly after gaining 3 stacks
gain a Barrage stack for 10 seconds after hitting an enemy, subsequent hits will increase the level
upon reaching 3 barrage stacks, gain a 30-second window to use bow with 0 charge time
After shooting within the 30 seconds, you have 1 second to use with 0 charge time
zap and volley will NOT work during a barrage(that would be op)
Type: Bow enchantment
Max Level: 1
Rarity: Very rare
Knock the enemies upwards
level increases height
Type: bow enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: rare
Incompatible: punch, grab
Launch enemies toward each other
Hit 2 enemies within 2.5 * (level – 1) seconds to launch them toward each other
Works on enemies within 15 + (level * 5) blocks of each other
Also applies slowness 2 for (2 * level) seconds
Type: bow enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: very rare
Incompatible: punch, knockup
Hitting enemies will mark them, shooting marked enemies will grant speed and jump boost
effects last for 7.5 seconds * level
mark lasts for 5 seconds, hitting enemies will already marked will extend the mark duration by 3 seconds
Type: bow enchantment
Max Level: 2
Rarity: Uncommon
Crossbow Enchants
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Hook – pull enemies towards you instead of knocking them back
Frost – apply freezing effect that damages and slows enemies
Tranquilizer- after a brief delay, hit enemies are put to sleep
Antiheal – prevent enemies from healing from all sources for 4 seconds
Bite – spawn angry wolves near the target enemy
Shield Enchants
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Lightweight – reduce shield equip delay and shield disable time from axes
Steadfast – reduce damage taken from all directions and from all sources while blocking
Trident Enchants
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Snap of the Deep – summon evoker fangs under the target, depending on the weather
Inking – Gain a chance to inflict blinding on the target
The zap enchantment being used on some enemy husks
In order of enchantment use: Shielding, Hook, Frost, Combo, Lifesteal, Fervor, Barrage