Crafting tables are a very important part of the survival journey. Only a small number of items in the vanilla game can be crafted without the help of a crafting table. That’s just how important crafting tables are. And obtaining a crafting table is really simple. All that you need is one log, which can be converted into four planks, which can then be used to craft a crafting table. Imagine you are conducting a challenge where the usage of crafting tables has to be limited. Craft & Gone: Single-Use Crafting Tables Mod (1.21.4) is here to help with that. As the name suggests, this mod makes crafting tables single use. You can place down a crafting table, input the ingredients for a recipe into the crafting slots, and the moment you pick out the crafted item from the end slot, the crafting table breaks without leaving behind any remainder.


  • Makes crafting tables single use.
  • They break without leaving behind a remainder.
  • Useful for fun survival challenges.



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Craft & Gone: Single-Use Crafting Tables Mod (1.21.4) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.21.4

Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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