Craftfall Essentials Mod (1.12.2) – Economy, Respawn, City and More
Craftfall Essentials Mod (1.12.2) adds an economy, respawn, a city, and more. This mod adds commands to the server and adds a new infinity stone: Stone of Reality (original for Heroes Expansion from Lucraft).
- SNOWPOINT CITY: Snowpoint, a city located deep in the mountains of Alaska. Built ontop of Mount Witherspoon ontop of sprawling massive caves and ancient ruins from a time long past… You can do many things in Snowpoint such as, visit NPC’s, visit the bank and deposit/withdraw money to your account and meet and trade with your friends and purchase various items from shops.
- THE SIMULATION: Inside the huge Celios space station, lies a complex network of computers, servers and technology that allows players to be digitally transferred into a simulation where they can survive, build, interact with other players, or even wage war with them.
- THE CELION DEVICE: A small wrist mounted device, directly attached to the player’s nervous system, linked to servers on the Celios space station, the Celion device is capable of reconstructing a human at the cellular level, even after death. Which allows for the player to teleport, respawn and much more on death. If the player has enough money in their bank account, they can even keep their items on respawn on a fee of $1 per item.
- ECONOMY: When a mob is killed by a player, it has a small chance of dropping 1$, 5$, 10$ or 100$ coins that you will be able to deposit into the ATM at Snowpoint city which shall go into your bank account and allow you to use the keep inventory option in the Celion device upon death. The ATM is also a way of keeping your money safe from raiders or people trying to steal your money. It can also be used to buy items from players or shops in snowpoint. You can check your balance from any ATM device or from your Celion device. (Please note that if a mob dies via fall damage or burning or by another mob, mobs only drop coins when killed by a player)
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For Minecraft 1.12.2
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