Crazy Chunks Mod
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May 11, 2013
This mod adds two new world types that can be selected the same way as ‘Default’, ‘Super Flat’ and ‘Large Biomes’. These new world types mess with the terrain generation to give an interesting terrain to those bored with the normal Minecraft one. This will not conflict with any mods!
The New World Types:
- Crazy Chunks: The original crazy terrain for Minecraft!
- Spiky Chunks: The least crazy but the fastest loading of these world types
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download Crazy Chunks Mod
- Put Crazy Chunks Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
- Done
- Removed the <Random String> world type because it didn’t actually work.
- Fixed the bug which caused the world to not load for some people.
For 1.5.2/1.5.1
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