Feel magic integrated into Create through Create: Arcane Engineering. Create Arcane Engineering Modpack (1.18.2) features two different quest lines that are divided into chapters – magic and tech. You can go through most of them independently, but to complete the pack you’ll need to do both. Near the end you’ll have to fuse them together to create the most powerful arcane technology.

Journey in Create: Arcane Engineering with the goal in mind of fusing the power of tech with the supernatural feelings of magic. You’ll start by going through each tech and magic mod independently, fusing them later on as everything comes together. The main focus of this modpack is Create – the most powerful technological mod to exist. The aesthetics are great as you’ll be able to form some of the best spell crafts ever with it. Using Ars Nouveau in with it makes the spells powerful to a degree that feels rewarding. These things together can help you with forming old items back from the dead known under Reliquary Reincarnations.


  • Create: Arcane Engineering is a fan modpack inspired by Create: Above and Beyond by Simibubi.
  • With both magical and technical automation challenges, you are tasked with conquering the Arcane to reach the end goal of the modpack:
  • You will be building many intricate factories all around your minecraft world and connecting them through the new create trains!
  • This pack aims to build upon the flow of Create: Above and Beyond, adding many structures and changing tons of recipes to create a coherent experience while empathizing the usage of the Create mod and its new features.
  • You start out just like you would in any other pack, and slowly get absorbed by the custom progression and its unusual recipes and automation ideas that connect mods such as Create, Forbbiden & Arcanus, Ars Nouveau, Pneumaticcraft and the Thermal mods.
  • The packs fun resource and machine gating systems will encourage you to explore your world, searching for locational resources and perhaps a few chests to help you gear up and get you started on your journey.
  • The pack is centered around both magic and tech, requiring you to build numerous efficient factories to reach mastery in both.



Minecraft Forge

How to install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Modpack

Create Arcane Engineering Modpack (1.18.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge Version (Server files): Download from Server 1

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