Create Perfect World Modpack (1.20.1) is a lightweight, Create focused modpack for Minecraft put together by MrBeardstone and his mod team, and is the official pack used in his popular Create: Perfect World YouTube series. The pack is designed to create a Vanilla+ Minecraft experience, heavily focused around the Create mod and creating a fully immersive, active world. Also included are quality of life mods to improve inventory management, storage, villages, food and more, while maintaining a vanilla style of gameplay. The pack contains a full questline, designed to guide the player through the mods included in the pack at thier own pace – perfect for those new to Create, and experienced players too! Lastly, a couple of mods for those that love to build have been included, allowing you to let your imagination run wild with a selection of new blocks and shapes.


Primary mods used include:

  • Alex’s mobs
  • Farmers Delight
  • Create
  • Create: Stuff and Additions
  • Create: Steam and Rails
  • Create: Confectionary
  • Create: Enchantment Industries
  • Chipped
  • Framed Blocks
  • Macaw’s Bridges, Trapdoors and Doors
  • Sophisticated Backpacks
  • JEI
  • Storage Drawers
  • A selection of performance mods



Minecraft Forge

OptiFine HD

How to install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Modpack

Create Perfect World Modpack (1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20

Forge Version (Server Files): Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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